Official *What do you think of my pictures?* Thread

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So here we go

Picture title/Description - Mania Bass Guitar angle shot

Picture -

Technical details - I think the ISO was 200 and the aperture 1.6, Shutter speed if memory serves 1/7
Title - Emly Moor, Wakefield, Yorkshire

Technical details - Sony Ericsson K800i :p

Nothing wrong with this sort of thread but I suspect it may get locked, as it is just like another random pic thread.
I'm currently using a Canon 350D with a Canon 17-85 IS USM lens. I'm intending on upgrading to a 5D as soon as fund permit. As for recommendations, any of the budget Canon DSLRs should do the trick, I think the latest is the 450D or 500D. Check out reviews on dpreview especially to find out the quality of the kit lens. The kit lens with the 350D is a lemon hence why I bought it "body only" and splashed out on a decent lens.
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