****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

I actually managed to get a blind kill with the damage indicator. I maintain it wasnt cheating because from memory a Pz III/IV was shooting me but invisible at 75m? ish when I was in a full elited panther with 100% crew. Stupid spotting system. He was sitting in the middle of the cap with no bushes or anything :s
getting ready for 8.6 here...
bought Bat.Chat.155 last night before its price goes to 6.3mil...
I don’t think I will make it in time for m40/47 and obj.212 to jump to tier 8 before patch...if I get enough credits in time, I will just buy obj 261 as it requires 50k exp less after patch then now but will be more expensive...
god knows how I managed to farm 320k exp to get to t92 :D

on test server, played my fav SPG, Lorr 51 and wasn't happy about changes...longer load times and longer aim times. So completely opposite what this SPG is now about! not to mention nerfed dmg:( not that lorr 51 manages to hit for over 1k each time..

obj 212 is faster and easier to manoeuvre.

apart from that, need to decide what I need to get as next... Conqueror 1 as next, or Black Prince, or T28prot or AMX 120, new Aus Panther (or how it is called..)
not to mention that new CS is coming in few days’ time and need space for tier 1 to 6 ...

and yes...I have too many tanks to play with ;)
on test server, played my fav SPG, Lorr 51 and wasn't happy about changes...longer load times and longer aim times. So completely opposite what this SPG is now about! not to mention nerfed dmg:( not that lorr 51 manages to hit for over 1k each time..


my favourite arty. They did this with the SU5 and AMX 105 now the Lorr 51 too ???!!!

I've been enjoying the 155 51, got about 130k to go to unlock the batchat (got 180k+ free xp to use if needed). If I have the time I only have about 60k left to unlock the Object 212. Would be nice to get that done as well.

Even if arty gets nerfed loads, bad players will still get hit by it and cry like crazy. The amount of times I see tanks sitting out in the open, or playing peakabo from the same spot over and over again, even if they get shot by arty. As it is now in the 155 51, I tend to be hitting T9 / T10 heavies for 300 - 500 at most. a lot of medium tanks have strong turrets as well so hitting them gives similiar damage. I find its quite rare to get a full damage hit with that. When you consider that the DPM of artys is pretty poor.

If you had no arty in the game, some tanks would become pretty op because of their armor (T95 is one, cant pen that from range easy even with premium ammo). I would imagine there would be a lot more camping as well, because tanks will just sit in the same place with nothing to damage them if they have armor or a hull down spot. Randoms wont push foward and take shots so the team can win, everyone just plays for them selves
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Even if arty gets nerfed loads, bad players will still get hit by it and cry like crazy. The amount of times I see tanks sitting out in the open, or playing peakabo from the same spot over and over again, even if they get shot by arty. As it is now in the 155 51, I tend to be hitting T9 / T10 heavies for 300 - 500 at most. a lot of medium tanks have strong turrets as well so hitting them gives similiar damage. I find its quite rare to get a full damage hit with that. When you consider that the DPM of artys is pretty poor.

If you had no arty in the game, some tanks would become pretty op because of their armor (T95 is one, cant pen that from range easy even with premium ammo). I would imagine there would be a lot more camping as well, because tanks will just sit in the same place with nothing to damage them if they have armor or a hull down spot. Randoms wont push foward and take shots so the team can win, everyone just plays for them selves

I'm not sure, surely most games are camp fests because of arty right now? I'm not sure that removing them would make it worse.

I think most of peoples issue with arty is that you get 5 of them in most T10 games, and they are invariably T8 which can pretty much one shot everyone on a good roll. Simply knock it down to a maximum of 2 per match, and reduce the insane maximum damage (maybe the same max damage as a T10 TD...).

My personal problem with arty, is that good players can complete school other good players without any fear to themselves. They don't have to risk anyhing, they just sit there at the back of the map pressing fire and occasionally moving.
Rant ... rant

Try them yourself then you'll see what they do, if you want specifics of each mod in the pack then have a look on curse WOT mods where most of them are hosted.

Mod packs like this have work in them, he makes up an exe installer which puts each part in the correct place and then customises settings to make sure they play well together, something that's a bit of a pita to do when issues crop up.

Quick run down of the mods though:

Custom Login - its a different login screen, easy to remove
WWII Pinup Custom Garage - it's a different garage, easy to remove
Crew Pak - changes your crews pictures for ones taken from real war photos
Hit Log (outgoing and in coming damage) - A handy mod that shows both incomming and outgoing damage in a table in-game, lets you know how much damage you've been able to do so far so you can get an idea on say what your earnings will be in your nice t8 premium credit munching tank
Dead White Tanks - makes dead tanks very obvious so you don't keep on shooting them
Jimbo's - crosshair mod, athetics only but I really like it over the stock one, also adds in a 0.0s countdown for your ammo reload which is very handy for peak-a-boo etc
Scope Shadow Remover - slightly clearer view
Authentic Gun and Artie Sounds - makes explosions and shell whistles sound way better so makes the game more immersive (8.6 has improved sounds which is good)
HD Mini Map (with tank icons, last know position) - if you like to have a fairly large minimap (and who doesn't) this makes it nice and high res with clearer building definitions etc, quicker to gain info from with a quick glance. Also i keeps an indicator of tanks last known positions so you don't have to remeber which flank had what in the heat of battle.
Zoom Out - allows much greater zoom out to get a tacticle view of the fight around you, can also see over lower building to see where tanks guns are pointing to aid in peek-a-boo, very very handy mod
Accurate Damage Indicator - makes it more clear where a shot hit you from so you can angle or get in cover better, handy for those pesky invisible TDs
Stastistics (lower right showing wins/losses etc) - I think this is in your garage, when you click the flashing last battle info button it totals up your session win/loss/xp/monies which is very handy for trying to keep up a good win ratio, you can keep on playing until you hit x% every session
Wot Stastics - 3rd party app that shows you details on your battle statistics and stats for each tank, good for anyone that cares I guess and min/maxers, you don't need to use or install this part
I've been enjoying the 155 51, got about 130k to go to unlock the batchat (got 180k+ free xp to use if needed). If I have the time I only have about 60k left to unlock the Object 212. Would be nice to get that done as well.

Even if arty gets nerfed loads, bad players will still get hit by it and cry like crazy. The amount of times I see tanks sitting out in the open, or playing peakabo from the same spot over and over again, even if they get shot by arty. As it is now in the 155 51, I tend to be hitting T9 / T10 heavies for 300 - 500 at most. a lot of medium tanks have strong turrets as well so hitting them gives similiar damage. I find its quite rare to get a full damage hit with that. When you consider that the DPM of artys is pretty poor.

If you had no arty in the game, some tanks would become pretty op because of their armor (T95 is one, cant pen that from range easy even with premium ammo). I would imagine there would be a lot more camping as well, because tanks will just sit in the same place with nothing to damage them if they have armor or a hull down spot. Randoms wont push foward and take shots so the team can win, everyone just plays for them selves

am not going to sell Lorr 51 as I plan to use it for tier 8 fights...

not long ago managed to take over 1300hp off T34 ;D after that he reported me as I couldn't make so much damage to him lol

in same fight over 1k to VK45.A

there are days that you just destroy everything with it and days that you hit like a girl:)
tried out arty's for the first time over the last few days and having a lot of fun. Oneshotting scouts in TD mode is so much fun. Last game I played was on El Halluf and half way through it was me in a Grille and one other arty vs 4 arty's, 2 scouts and a churchill 1. Some really funny and lucky play later and I was the only survivor with 3 kills in TD mode, top kills and top damage :D arty sparta style.
Most satisfying manoeuvre is when you see a tank making a bee-line for you thinking they have got an easy kill. The ones who like to come up close and either ram you or shoot you point blank.

At the last minute you TD there ass.

That's about the only fun I had when playing SPG, I just got bored in the traditional play.

In company matches SPG's definitely have their place. So I have though about playing them again for that, but then again I haven't played a company match in ages!
I think most tank types can get a bit boring at times. Trying higher tier arty's on the test server deffo felt more boring as you're really slow, have massively long reload and aim times then you get the odd 1k+ damage shot and get raged at in chat :D T3-5 feels like a better compromise as you can do silly stuff like move around the map and troll derp from bushes or just melt noobs faces. I find slow heavies and slow TD's bad as well, trying to grind through the churchill 7 but it's just soooooooooooooooooooo crap.
getting ready for 8.6 here...
bought Bat.Chat.155 last night before its price goes to 6.3mil...
I don’t think I will make it in time for m40/47 and obj.212 to jump to tier 8 before patch...if I get enough credits in time, I will just buy obj 261 as it requires 50k exp less after patch then now but will be more expensive...
god knows how I managed to farm 320k exp to get to t92 :D

on test server, played my fav SPG, Lorr 51 and wasn't happy about changes...longer load times and longer aim times. So completely opposite what this SPG is now about! not to mention nerfed dmg:( not that lorr 51 manages to hit for over 1k each time..

obj 212 is faster and easier to manoeuvre.

apart from that, need to decide what I need to get as next... Conqueror 1 as next, or Black Prince, or T28prot or AMX 120, new Aus Panther (or how it is called..)
not to mention that new CS is coming in few days’ time and need space for tier 1 to 6 ...

and yes...I have too many tanks to play with ;)

Nerfed arty = Happy me ;)

I'd much rather they nerfed the number of arty then arty though. I reckon 2x arty slots on every team from tier 5 games and 1x scout, the 12x tanks (mediums, heavies, Tank Destroyers + Light Tanks that aren't scouts) would be a good way of doing this. On the test server though I've seen a max of 3 arty in top tier games so far, so if this is actually accurate of what is to come, then that'll do me.
Battle: Himmelsdorf 06 June 2013 16:43:25
Vehicle: Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C
Experience received: 2,790 (x2 for the first victory each day)
Credits received: 17,730
Battle Achievements: Pascucci's Medal, Top Gun :)
anyone played TD's on test servers ?
due to changes how camo works from 8.6 TD are almost invisible while under camo:) you can shot and shot and no one will notice until really close...

at the moment spot system and camo is a joke anyway - Disappearing huge tanks in front of you or appearing 20m in front of you - and am not talking lights..am talking huge heavies...
Nerfed arty = Happy me ;)

I'd much rather they nerfed the number of arty then arty though. I reckon 2x arty slots on every team from tier 5 games and 1x scout, the 12x tanks (mediums, heavies, Tank Destroyers + Light Tanks that aren't scouts) would be a good way of doing this. On the test server though I've seen a max of 3 arty in top tier games so far, so if this is actually accurate of what is to come, then that'll do me.

Totally agree with this. I just don't get why they don't implement this, OK, arty players might have to wait a while to play a game, but who cares - that's their punishment for playing a point an click game ;).

Team we have in the last 64 look pretty good but not amazing. They seem about the same standard as us

Aye, they look a pretty solid team who are not going to do anything stupid. And our prize if we beat them? A match against the Panda's!....

Would be good if we could get 14 players together and have a practice, not sure the likelihood of getting that many at once mind....
at the moment spot system and camo is a joke anyway - Disappearing huge tanks in front of you or appearing 20m in front of you - and am not talking lights..am talking huge heavies...

Had that a couple of times lately. Fortunately the two that suddenly appear didnt see me either they were pointing the wrong way and I blasted them before they realised.
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