****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

I'm really not getting on with this patch at the moment. It's not just the changes that have been made but how they are affecting people. I don't want to see a tier 7/8 game with both teams full of light tanks running around like tier 3s.

Arty matchmaking seems a bit whacky too; I guess these problems don't show up on the test server when everyone wants to be tier 10.
I quite like the patch, except for me it seems to have introduced a couple of bugs that I didn't have on the test server. I'm getting hit a lot less by arty, which is nice.

Here are the 2 problems I'm having though:

-Critical damage does not tell you which module you damaged in the statistics page, which did in the first test.
-Some of the tank icons in-game have vanished on the list of players

Now all they need to do to top tiers is put a limit on a minimum winrate (50% will do) you need before you can buy a tier 9 + tank...

Also, change the way scout tiers work...
The last patch has moved the game still further towards the casual non-skilled gamer. They are aiming at a mass market audience. So yes moving towards arcade rather than simulation is an obvious move. Sadly it makes the game a lot less appealing for me.

I really hope that once the xbox version comes out they will make that the arcade version and we will see future patches for the PC bringing it back towards simulation.
yea I don't think I can be bothered any more with this game, I had the most fun in arty and lights which just seem terrible now with the reticle accuracy moved more to the centre
I haven't had a chance to have a go at 8.6 yet. From the previews the one thing I didn't like the look of was the stabilisation they introduced. It used to be that train tracks were a good barrier against chargers as they lost accuracy when making the dash (works both ways though), but now with the stabilisation it changes all that? Has anyone noticed a difference?
Bye bye WoT.

SU-5 was pretty much the only thing keeping me interested, and it's been rendered useless now.

Heavy arty-esque aiming time, the already piddly max ammo count of 14 has been REDUCED to 12 and shell flight time has been completely altered.

I just CBA anymore. I'd mastered the thing, it's the highest killing tank in my garage and the one I enjoyed using the most and that's been taken away from me now for no reason at all :mad:

Oh great! Now I've just lost connection to the server and it won't let me back in because apparently both servers are full. Never had that error before.
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Last night we tested camo on amx f155 and obj.268.
Hidden 268 was spotted at around 50m mark and 155at 75m.
In open field, f155 was spotted at around 125m mark.

Tier 10 now can make money, as ling as you do decent damage.
In 268 even on lost fights, managed to not lose money but I was doing over 4k dmg each fight.

Had it for a long while(obj 268) but never played it. After few fights, I love it. Fast, almost always damages other tanks, reloads time could be faster (14sec now) but it is fine how it is.
Not the toughest of TD's but can ding as well.
Oh..and new superheavy spall liners made superheavy tanks almost arty resistant :) those take 50% of damage from HE shells :)
The other night I was bombarding e100 for 100-200dmg from batchat...
I had a go with the obj 268 on the test server and it was so much fun; after 3 games I had about 20k damage done. Not sure if I'll ever get it as it seems like a long grind, probably a lot easier now due to the xp changes though!

Not sure if I like the accuracy changes, I was always quite good with my guns anyway but it now seems like everyone can hit your weak spots from 200m+.
I've been loving my Object 704 since the patch, my win ratio has increased by about 10%. Will unlock the 268 today and I'm looking forward to trying it out!
I've been loving my Object 704 since the patch, my win ratio has increased by about 10%. Will unlock the 268 today and I'm looking forward to trying it out!

Did you enjoy getting to the 704? I might have to head up that line!

obj 704 and ISU have same cannons.
Obj is bit more agile and dings bit more and people are scared of it ;)

I loved mine to bits!

268 can do 4-5k dmg easily. avarage hit is over 800 - not sure if had less than that

as for accuracy after patch - havent seen muc of a difference as had no time to play with many tanks yet due to lack of time

but clan mate was saying that his T34 is more accurate now

am slowly grinding to obj263 now as it is a ding beast ;D dings almost everything :)
Had a few games on the Patton last night and the accuracy changes seem to have made it a bit more fun, much more effective on the move now than before. I might grind out the m48 with these changes especially now t10 profits are increased.

I seemed to be bouncing a lot more off my JgdTiger88 too so might rebuy the normal Jgdtiger and see how that goes. Got ripped a new one in almost every game in my T44 though, still using the first 100mm gun and dont have the engine yet but i don't remember it being as bad as this :/
just before patch, my tanks were catching fire like crazy..especially t-34-2 and type 58...
almost every single hit set them on fire not sure why...bad luck for couple of weeks ?
because of that have stopped playing t34-2 ...
I only managed to play a couple of games initially, but I did like the new patch. Personally I like that arty is now harder to play, too often I'd see players with dismal stats sitting in arty and getting kill after kill after kill/doing quite a lot of damage. Basically, they can't play tanks so they play arty instead. Arty should not be useless (not tried arty yet since the patch so can't say yet whether they've nerfed them too much), but it should not be easy to play either.

Maybe those complaining should try relearning or play tanks instead?
arty wasn't easy before apart from low tiers.

the new su14-2 or whatever it is called is abolsute crap.

takes me minutes to get in position on some maps.
aims slow as hell and takes something stupid like 14 seconds if you want a remote chance of hitting someone.
shells take forever to reach the person your aiming at.

I played a game in my arty yesterday and managed 2 get a whole two shells off before the game was over and the second shell was vs the guy who killed me lol I was actually amazed the accuracy was so much better playing like a td.........

But I guess you don't play arty so your glad they are useless now or you play one of the zippy french ones that mocves at 60kmh and gets into its firing position within seconds no matter what the map is
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