****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Cheers guys i might grab the 704 but keep the ISU for any specials then, absolutely loved that tank so far. Hopefully they have x2 crew xp this weekend so i can move them on with little hassle.
I don't know whether to get the jagdtiger or ferdinand, or to start up either the British or Russian TD lines...
I always seem to be against stuff big enough to easily penetrate my at 2 from the front since 8.6.
and your so slow if it's an easy win for your side you might never even get a shot off
Just had the most thoroughly infuriating game ever :( Playing on Westfield with my Matilda, I trundle along and pick up 5 kills and eventually get killed by the last player on the enemy team in his arty. This leaves them with 1 arty left and us with 2 arty and a convenator, the guy in the covenant or just sits around for a bit, then proceeds to drive off, instead of just finding the arty and killing it he decides to go and cap, the arty gets a slight hit to reset the capture count, then takes out 1 of our arty.

At this point the covenantor carries on driving about like a plum trying to cap and the enemy arty gets another hit to reset the cap count, now at this point it's bloody obvious tha there isn't time to cap the base even if the arty doesn't get another hit, so the player decides to carry on regardless and we end up with a bloody draw :mad:

Doesnt sound like a bot. Sounds exactly like that numpy covenanny I ran into a few weeks ago. We were me in arty and him against 3 arty. I managed to td one arty and the other got him down to 3% but he shot me same time and I died. So it was 100% covvy against 3% and 40% arty. They were both in our cap zone clock ticking up. The covvy refused to go attack them. Players still in the game were screaming at him and he kept saying he was too scared and saying he had no chance. Text chat didnt sound like a bot.

In end he went for them and got TD'd by the 3% arty!

i have some 50£ codes for u guys. I thing u get around 2k gold and 1 month premium per code. U can use 5 codes / account, so should be about 10k gold and 5 month premium. The running out 30th june so i grapped some today 4 u. I´ll be on our ts3 later to share them.


edit: all codes send out, enjoy :D
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Obj 704 is a lot bouncier than i thought it would be, that or everyone is auto aiming at my mantlet :p

Only played around 10 games in it this morning so don't have a lot of experience with it yet but it feels like a good TD so far, not as OP as the ISU was having the BL-10 at T8 but people seem to fear me more now for some reason. I think this will be my keeper for this line and as far as i'll go, i don't really fancy going to the 268 and T10.
Just played some dirty arty games in the grille and hummel and they seem totally fine. My average damage per game has gone up in the grille to 981 and efficiency 1754, average damage in the stock hummel i just bought is already 1382 and 1766 efficiency.

1k~ average damage at T5 and 1.3k~ average damage at T6 seems totally fine and is actually higher than the other tanks that I own at the same levels :o damn maybe I should switch to artys :D
I am trying to find a mod I had under 8.5 that I dont have anymore. Its for the minimap. Instead of just seeing the tank icons you also see the tank names.

Any ideas what it is ? I've been searching the WOT mod forum but can not seem to find it.
lol wotlabs is giving me some really weird stats in their footer image


I wish I was 2599 WN7 good :o
I am trying to find a mod I had under 8.5 that I dont have anymore. Its for the minimap. Instead of just seeing the tank icons you also see the tank names.

Any ideas what it is ? I've been searching the WOT mod forum but can not seem to find it.

I'm using the Roughnecks mod pack again and it has it, if you DL it you can see what mods he's added.


thanks but trouble is I cant figure out which one I dont want any of the others its not really relevant to see which is just the minimap.

Doesnt look like the one I am after.

the search continues.

edit: found it in XVM - minimap.swf
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