** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

Does anyone else have a problem with hybrids in arena atm?

I have always played rogue and I really don't know how it's fair that some hybrids (feral/ret/enhance) have more utility/control/survivability WHILE doing more burst that the pure DPS classes? The rogue playstyle just ins't fun anymore and really needs looking atm.

I feel we've been overnerfed in 5.3. :(

Agree that Rogue gameplay is not as fun as it used to be in Cata.

I don't agree they have been overnerfed...I think they are still very effective.

Feral/Ret/Enhance are all really strong right now though, they all do really sick burst and can heal themselves.
Agree that Rogue gameplay is not as fun as it used to be in Cata.

I don't agree they have been overnerfed...I think they are still very effective.

Feral/Ret/Enhance are all really strong right now though, they all do really sick burst and can heal themselves.

I play Enhancement shammy, i do agree with you there but we did need the buff. i have noticed a great difference in the opening damage but after that it dose dwindle slightly after tht. on the healing side to it we dont have tht much once we have used the free heal and the heal from the wolves then thts it really lol. rouges are very powerful and will always be in my eyes. what does my head in is the fact they can almost kill you before they come out of stealth. rouges are my worst nightmare and for the ret pally there stuns can lock you down for ages so my burst damge can be totally wasted lol
I play Enhancement shammy, i do agree with you there but we did need the buff. i have noticed a great difference in the opening damage but after that it dose dwindle slightly after tht. on the healing side to it we dont have tht much once we have used the free heal and the heal from the wolves then thts it really lol. rouges are very powerful and will always be in my eyes. what does my head in is the fact they can almost kill you before they come out of stealth. rouges are my worst nightmare and for the ret pally there stuns can lock you down for ages so my burst damge can be totally wasted lol

Yeah all true :D

Regarding your class, I hate that ability that allows you to hit me with melee abilities from range?

I play (Fire) Mage, so Im used to kiting....but when Enhance Shammies do that to me I don't know what to do except try and LoS if its possible...
Hi guys im a rusty veteran WoW player thinking of returning back been out for a year or so on Ghostlands server payed up until cata from vanilla. Feel in two minds as i feel rusty and the mechanics change quickly so does gearing etc in a game like this. Feel like im going to be serverly out of touch in playing my class. I need some convincing.

P.S. any social guilds on here for that server.
Hi guys im a rusty veteran WoW player thinking of returning back been out for a year or so on Ghostlands server payed up until cata from vanilla. Feel in two minds as i feel rusty and the mechanics change quickly so does gearing etc in a game like this. Feel like im going to be serverly out of touch in playing my class. I need some convincing.

P.S. any social guilds on here for that server.

The mechaincs have changed a lot.....but you can have fun discovering how they work :cool:
Yeah all true :D

Regarding your class, I hate that ability that allows you to hit me with melee abilities from range?

I play (Fire) Mage, so Im used to kiting....but when Enhance Shammies do that to me I don't know what to do except try and LoS if its possible...

I went in arena with my bro (he plays Lock) and we where against a fire mage and a low geared Enhancement shammy, i must say i really struggled with a fire mage as ya dont seem to see them as much as frost really. I know what ya mean the move is Assendent and i dont really get why its a ranged move and i think its is like true damage but not too sure on tht. does LoS prevent damage or cancel my affect cos i poped my macro with eveything and then nothing happened lol
I went in arena with my bro (he plays Lock) and we where against a fire mage and a low geared Enhancement shammy, i must say i really struggled with a fire mage as ya dont seem to see them as much as frost really. I know what ya mean the move is Assendent and i dont really get why its a ranged move and i think its is like true damage but not too sure on tht. does LoS prevent damage or cancel my affect cos i poped my macro with eveything and then nothing happened lol

If they move out of your Line of Sight you wont be able to use targetted spells, which is what (I think) your melee abilities turn into. I don't know much about Shaman though.

Yeah my main advantage in arena is that some opponents don't know what to do against me :D

As a Shaman though, if you use purge a lot on a Fire Mage you will shut down 90% of their damage - the buff that gives us instant pyroblasts (our hardest hitting spell) is dispellable!
Is anyone still left on Defias Brotherhood?

Theres ~3.5k gold I can give to someone who's still active there, accounts been dead for a year.
Just thought I'd give the Pandaren trial a go, but it's definitely run it's course for me now.

I am, if you're sure then that would be great. Name is Efekt.
What do you think about the warlocks in arena, atm I am playing Destro and finding it rather fun especially with the talent that lets me cast and move at the same time. I might branch out in another build but I haven’t come across any at all atm its all just destro!
Hi guys im a rusty veteran WoW player thinking of returning back been out for a year or so on Ghostlands server payed up until cata from vanilla. Feel in two minds as i feel rusty and the mechanics change quickly so does gearing etc in a game like this. Feel like im going to be serverly out of touch in playing my class. I need some convincing.

P.S. any social guilds on here for that server.

Alright pal, it's quite easy to come back and play it. They've made it easy to pick classes up at any level from my experience.

I don't know of any social guilds on Ghostlands - may be worth looking at the realm forums or maybe getting a transfer to a active realm, or one which OCUK or friends may be on. At the minute it's also half price for realm transfers. :)
So 50% off of server transfers.

I may transfer my main and possibly another as Karazhan is pretty much dead.

Any recommendations on active servers? I'm currently with the Horde so it may be a nice change to try Alliance.
So 50% off of server transfers.

I may transfer my main and possibly another as Karazhan is pretty much dead.

Any recommendations on active servers? I'm currently with the Horde so it may be a nice change to try Alliance.

Not sure about active Alliance servers, I think someone posted a link to a website where you can check population. I'm on Kazzak for my Mains and in on Argent Dawn with some other OCUK guys, raiding the 70 raids currently :)
I am leveling an Moonkin druid whn im not pvping on my Shammy, i was just wondering if any1 has any tips on them for pvp or even pve as i aint got a clue.
Hi guys im a rusty veteran WoW player thinking of returning back been out for a year or so on Ghostlands server payed up until cata from vanilla. Feel in two minds as i feel rusty and the mechanics change quickly so does gearing etc in a game like this. Feel like im going to be serverly out of touch in playing my class. I need some convincing.

P.S. any social guilds on here for that server.

I am on the Ghostlands server, Alliance side, in a guild called Harvest Moon. My character name is Forrseti. Give me a shout if you are still looking. I am sure you will be welcome!
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