** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

i am wanting to go pvp again and i have a fair win rate with my bro (warlock) he is not playing now and i need a good 2v2 partner, i play enchanment shammy,any advice ?

Probably something bursty to go with your CD'S, personally i'd pick up a Feral or a Hunter.

I wouldn't recommend a healer/dps setup in 2's, unless you're into 25 minute games where you'll come across a team you won't kill and it will end with one of you leaving or a draw.
Not played properly since WOTLK (PVE Priest) and (PVP Lock) since TBC so me and a friend decided to re-roll having finally made the decision on a Hunter leveling up has been a breeze and so has BG's for that matter having full looms!

Now I have hit 90 2 days ago and have attained the full 496 Set including 496 boots then trinkets/rings/neck all 476 as it stands 16k of 22k of my Conquest Points cap so should get full 496 this week, All gear has been gemmed and enchanted with the required 3% Hit and 3% Expertise cap whilst being BM re-forging my haste into Mastery which I believe in MoP is the correct way to have my stats.

Now, what order and steps do I need to do reputation wise which Factions should I prioritise and are there any dailies/chain quests to unlock anything in particular which are beneficial to my class and PVP end game.

Also money making, What's a decent little earner in MOP any tips on a few ways to make Gold.
I don't mind farming mob after mob to acquire things to sell on AH for example I used to farm endless amounts of Primal Fires/ Waters etc in TBC and make a killing!
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Also money making, What's a decent little earner in MOP any tips on a few ways to make Gold.

For me at the moment I am making a few g doing the following;

- Farm Karazhan
- Farm MC
- Farm Onyxia
- Buy enchanting mats off of the AH, make an enchant and re-sell
- Making about 600g off of jade spirit
- Making about 300g off of the wrist enchants

There are much more viable ways of making gold using Auctioneer and the likes, but I haven't learnt how to do all of that yet.
Not played properly since WOTLK (PVE Priest) and (PVP Lock) since TBC so me and a friend decided to re-roll having finally made the decision on a Hunter leveling up has been a breeze and so has BG's for that matter having full looms!

Now I have hit 90 2 days ago and have attained the full 496 Set including 496 boots then trinkets/rings/neck all 476 as it stands 16k of 22k of my Conquest Points cap so should get full 496 this week, All gear has been gemmed and enchanted with the required 3% Hit and 3% Expertise cap whilst being BM re-forging my haste into Mastery which I believe in MoP is the correct way to have my stats.

Now, what order and steps do I need to do reputation wise which Factions should I prioritise and are there any dailies/chain quests to unlock anything in particular which are beneficial to my class and PVP end game.

Also money making, What's a decent little earner in MOP any tips on a few ways to make Gold.
I don't mind farming mob after mob to acquire things to sell on AH for example I used to farm endless amounts of Primal Fires/ Waters etc in TBC and make a killing!

Reputation wise i'd start with doing Throne of Thunder LFR every reset to build up your Shado-Pan Assault reputation for easy 522 upgrades purchasable from the Isle of Thunder. A quick google of Isle of Thunder Dailies will give you an idea of what's in store.

Regarding other dailies it's pretty much personal preference Golden Lotus/Klaxxi etc, some give mounts, other gives armor, others give boats lol. Most can be started from underneath Shrine.
I recently started palying again and got a character to 90. Random battlegrounds is a joke. Stun, stun, stun, fear, stun, stun, turn into a toad, fear, stun, dead :-(
Not played properly since WOTLK (PVE Priest) and (PVP Lock) since TBC so me and a friend decided to re-roll having finally made the decision on a Hunter leveling up has been a breeze and so has BG's for that matter having full looms!

Now I have hit 90 2 days ago and have attained the full 496 Set including 496 boots then trinkets/rings/neck all 476 as it stands 16k of 22k of my Conquest Points cap so should get full 496 this week, All gear has been gemmed and enchanted with the required 3% Hit and 3% Expertise cap whilst being BM re-forging my haste into Mastery which I believe in MoP is the correct way to have my stats.

Now, what order and steps do I need to do reputation wise which Factions should I prioritise and are there any dailies/chain quests to unlock anything in particular which are beneficial to my class and PVP end game.

Also money making, What's a decent little earner in MOP any tips on a few ways to make Gold.
I don't mind farming mob after mob to acquire things to sell on AH for example I used to farm endless amounts of Primal Fires/ Waters etc in TBC and make a killing!

How did you manage to get a full 496 set in 2 days?! Oh wait, are you PvP?..
blizz have trademarked "The Dark Below" rampant speculation is that this will be the next wow expansion to be announced at blizzcon.

It seems to follow the trademark from previous expansion names being trademarked.

Lots of people linking it to this http://www.wowwiki.com/Dark_Below suggesting its gonna be a naga, themed expansion although if your following the legendary chain it seems to hint at burning leigon stuff.

It may also be a Diablo3 expansion to be announced at gamescon this week but seems a bit late to be trademarking something this week.
blizz have trademarked "The Dark Below" rampant speculation is that this will be the next wow expansion to be announced at blizzcon.

It seems to follow the trademark from previous expansion names being trademarked.

Lots of people linking it to this http://www.wowwiki.com/Dark_Below suggesting its gonna be a naga, themed expansion although if your following the legendary chain it seems to hint at burning leigon stuff.

It may also be a Diablo3 expansion to be announced at gamescon this week but seems a bit late to be trademarking something this week.

Id put a few quid on it being the expansion to Diablo 3 with a title like that but thats just my interpretation of it just this second and how far off the D3 expansion is going to be (console launch is basically D3 going from beta>release now so they wont rock the boat with an immediate expansion which is too bad for pc users).
Out of naga and burning legion though, id go with burning legion EASILY! :D
Yep they are releasing 4-5 world bosses etc apparently. Gearing in MoP is easier than gearing in Cata was after the release of LFR.

They're also removing all reputation requirements from gear (and exception to that is Shado-Pan Assault gear which retains the requirement) and are either reducing the valor cost of the item, or are switching the item to Justice Points instead.

I also read that they are increasing the drop rate of the items for the legendary quests in order for more people to catch up.
also 5.4 Garrosh in Flexi, normal, Heroic will be dropping Hierloom weapons which (yes its right) will scale from 90-100 :)

Well it is on the PTR anyway, suprised there hasnt been outcry at LFR not dropping lower spec versions of the Hierlooms.
I'm feeling the need for a free game time promo...

Did you play previously and don't anymore or?

My guild are trying their beans now to down Lei Shen, got the lockout again so we run a fresh run tonight then use a locked out members progress to jump to lei shen :)
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