Oh no he didn't . .

I don't really see how it's funny personally?

I have a pretty evil sense of humor at times, but don't really understand why this is funny at all?

I think its the absurdity of the attack that does it.

Admittedly, its a horrible thing to happen, but i dont think its unusual for the circumstances to raise a smile, at least initially?!
It's easy enough to laugh at over the internet, but all told it's pretty disgusting.

I would hazard a guess that, for everyones bravado, they wouldn't want to meet or socialise with the guy.

Assuming he actually WAS from Manchester, I don't think its too much of a stretch to imagine the type of guy he is, and I can tell you right now they are the ones that drag the areas image down nationally.

I would assume he will be charged for something like indecent assault and entering without permission (or even breaking if he didnt have a key anymore). Lovely chap.

/High horse
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