Oh noes, going to blow up a second time! (new car)

8 Jan 2005
didn't bother making a thread when I got it but now its ticked over the 200,000 mile mark I thought I would.

Bought myself a 1998 Nissan 200sx s14a, few basic mods currently running at 240bhp, Its overfueling like an absolute bihatch as the inter cooler piping is leaking, sorting out tomorrow so should be up to around 270 ish

Still on the original turbo :eek: and passed mot first time only issues were high emissions (owing to a cracked intercooler, which I sorted by giving it a decent 'drive') and a broken brake pipe bracket bolt. result!





biggest issue with these seems to be boost leaks which are quite annoying to sort!!
Ive put an uprated WMIC on, boring I know but its half again as big as the original, fits in the same place and is still good for nearly 300bhp!

Running at 17psi at the moment, turbo has gotta be on borrowed time!
WMIC is undoubtedly the best option on these anyway. They seem to have issues staying cool with silly big FMICs without supporting modifications to promote proper airflow.
WMIC is undoubtedly the best option on these anyway. They seem to have issues staying cool with silly big FMICs without supporting modifications to promote proper airflow.


I have had 3 s14a's with WMIC's and then upgraded to FMIC's.FMIC's always produced lower intake temps and a noticeable power boost, what has issues staying cool?:confused:

I have had 3 s14a's with WMIC's and then upgraded to FMIC's.FMIC's always produced lower intake temps and a noticeable power boost, what has issues staying cool?:confused:

Don't argue, he has considerable Nissan 200SX experience.

I thought these sort of things were going to become less common not more common after the VXR thread :D
theres very little difference between the uprated wing mount and the fmic below stage 2, above that youll need a fmic but im not planning on going over 300bhp with a 200k engine and turbo :P

Anyway - OP, you thought about getting some touring skirts on there? :)

Nope this ones more for drift practice than anything else (gay ricer etc I know) so Im Not doing much/anything cosmetically to change it, any work I do on it will be stuff I can bolt on and off. the chassis is solid aside from the usual rust starting around the rear arches (bottom) but its in astonishing condition for the mileage
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Err, care to explain further mike? :confused:

I'm just echoing thoughts of those with experience.

Three local ones, Two S14s and one S15 all suffered a similar fate. Those owners and others in the know all put their issues down to FMIC and overheating.

Seems logical enough if the Intercooler is in front of the rad.

Probably fine on the road, mind.
[TW]Fox;17710709 said:
Really? It looked like you were making a definitive and categoric statement to me?
Don't worry Fox I will post up on the SXOC and let everyone know that their FMICs will cause their engines to implode :eek:

Rich - if you are drifting it are you looking at sorting the suspension? It looks all standard at the minute :)
Seems logical enough if the Intercooler is in front of the rad.

Not particularly.

Loads of cars have items "blocking" the rad straight out of the factory. Oil coolers, transmission coolers, A/C condensers, etc.

I mean, unless I'm missing something air is still being passed through the rad after it has been through the intercooler? Granted, perhaps not as efficiently/coolly, but it's not cutting off the air supply completely as it seems like you are implying.

I just don't buy the idea that a front mount suddenly making a car over heat. On track or otherwise.
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