Old People Driving

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9 Jan 2003

Ok so its bad weather out there and we shud all be driving slow. But COME ON!!!!! Old people just seem to be oblivious to any other drivers!!!!! Most never signal, go 30mph in a national speed limit and complain about the youth of today when its them who are the bad drivers!!!

I say everyone should have to take their test again at the age of 50 if they want to keep driving.

I failed one of my tests for doing 60mph on a duel carrigeway

She said I could have easily gone faster.. :rolleyes:
"I was holding up other drivers" :eek: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

So yeah, test re-newal for old people!
Should be older than 50 - at 50 you are just as good a driver, if not better due to experience, so you'd sail through ready to become a nuisance when you hit 80.
Many of the very old people I see driving sit with their faces so close to the windscreen its scary. I'm sure they're good technically, but if you don't meet the eyesight requirements, you're a hazard to others.
id say 65, my parents are approaching 50 and they are much better drivers than most people on the road and i know loads of people around the age of 50 and they are fine at driving

when im on the road i always feel its the younger people who should learn how to drive, some of those morons dont have a clue :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Hinchy55

Ok so its bad weather out there and we shud all be driving slow. But COME ON!!!!! Old people just seem to be oblivious to any other drivers!!!!! Most never signal, go 30mph in a national speed limit and complain about the youth of today when its them who are the bad drivers!!!

I say everyone should have to take their test again at the age of 50 if they want to keep driving.

And you speak from years of driving experience, of course.

Oh, hang on. You're just 17 - LOL.....................
Originally posted by astralcars
Many of the very old people I see driving sit with their faces so close to the windscreen its scary. I'm sure they're good technically, but if you don't meet the eyesight requirements, you're a hazard to others.

My mum sometimes does the eye tests for the DVLA and she says it is scary that people think that their eyesight is fine when they have a tiny field of vision or terribly short of long sighted. She says that often the responce from older drivers is that it doesn't matter because they drive slowly to be safe.
I think ALL drivers should have a compulsory eye test every 5 years or whatever.

It could be done in conjunction with an MOT or Tax Disc renewal to save on an new government department on driving eye testers!!!

Re: Re: Old People Driving

Originally posted by 2blue4u
And you speak from years of driving experience, of course.

Oh, hang on. You're just 17 - LOL.....................

I live on a farm and have been driving vehicles since the age of seven and gained my tractor license when i was 16 so yes i am speaking from experience.

Yeah i suppose 65 wud be better. Plus ur pension could help fund your lessons!! LOL
Re: Re: Re: Old People Driving

Originally posted by Hinchy55
I live on a farm and have been driving vehicles since the age of seven and gained my tractor license when i was 16 so yes i am speaking from experience.
And this gives you experience of driving on the highway. Right :rolleyes:
Originally posted by KingAdora
Is that true?
What is the limit for under-limit driving?
I don't think a specific penalty etc. is attached to it, but it's classed as "Driving without due care and attention" or "Undue hesitation" IIRC
Originally posted by KingAdora
Is that true?
What is the limit for under-limit driving?

It's not a limit really, it's more of just driving without due care. If you do 30 in a 30 zone and then don't speed up entering a 60 zone, you're endangering other drivers by being unpredictable. AFAIK.

Obviously if it's driving hail and you can't see anything, then 30 in a 60 zone is fine. but then you'd slow down a lot more in a 30 zone. THere are people who just drive everywhere on main roads at 30, whether in 30 zone or not, and that's illegal.
Well yes considering i worked for a farming contractor last summer so i was driving on the roads all the time. And even i was going 30 on a 30mph road rather than a measly 20 whenever they see a car coming the other way.
Originally posted by KingAdora
ahh i see :)

i think there's a sign in the highway code for "min speed limit"
but i've never seen one outside of the book..

They have them in tunnels....
Originally posted by Hinchy55
Well yes considering i worked for a farming contractor last summer so i was driving on the roads all the time. And even i was going 30 on a 30mph road rather than a measly 20 whenever they see a car coming the other way.
WOW! THAT much experience, eh? Pity I can't find a rolleyes big enough for this :(

Kidz Today :D
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