On the quest for gains. Any gains.

Yesterday's session

Squats: 122.5kg x5x5
BP: 75kg x5x5
BOR: 77.5kg x5,5,5,3,3

As suspected, filming squats shows that my form needs improving. I seem to be struggling to achieve full range of movement. I'll deload and try to sort this.

New pb for bench press which I'm chuffed with

Squats: 110kg x5x5
OHP: 47.5kg x5x5
DL: 130kg x4

Deloaded on squats and saw improvement in form, achieving close to full range of movement. First time I've failed to complete deadlifts.


Squats: 112.5kg x5x5
BP: 77.5kg x5,5,3,3,3
BOR: 77.5kg x5,5,5,3,3
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