One for the wine buffs - the best red wine I have ever tasted

17 Oct 2002
Just delivered this morning.




If you ever get a chance to try a bottle - do it, but make sure you get the '98 - it was one of the best vintages in recent memory. In fact I think Penfold's Grange 1998 is probably one of the finest wines of its type in the world.

This is definitely one to keep and open on very, very special occassions.
Very good choice!

Although, im a bit partial to El Cantera, which can be bought from Directwines AKA Laithwaites. :)

Not particularly vintage, but each year provides a great drinking experience.

Once i finish University, wine is gonna be one of my favourite past times. :)
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cleanbluesky said:
Are you a secret wine buff?
I dabble a bit.

There are lots of bad wines. There are lots of average wines. There are a few good wines and there are fewer very good wines. Penfold's Grange 1998 is beyond superlatives for me. It simply had to be bought.

By the way, it is still increasing in value so is likely to be a good investment too.
I'd love to try it but that's a little too expensive for me. I'll persuade my Dad to buy a bottle or two next time I see him as he loves his wine :p
A very fine investment indeed!
It's very rare that I've found a nice Shiraz, the only one that I really ever liked was Fetzer (American).
That a really great Shiraz would come from the Penfolds vineyards is a little surprising to me. Intriguing :)
So... care to share? :D
Helium_Junkie said:
So... care to share? :D
Sure, maybe we could go to the pub first, get tanked up, then swig a bottle of Penfold's Grange back each as a finisher :D
Is trully lovely stuff, and worth every penny in my opinion.

Did look at getting some myself a while back, but dont have anywhere to cellar it unfortunately :(
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