One step closer to the holodeck...

thats very cool stuff there..
i wish they would hurry up the VR stuff...

virtual Oblivion oh yes... :D
Very cool, thats all you need to make a good vr suite. We already have good vr goggles. And guns and other weapons you can aim. Then they can add other stuff in the future.

they just need to chuck it into a package and get a specially made fps to run with it.
Thats pretty cool. I always thought it would be cool to have a VR MMORPG, but I think we're some time away from having that.
Reeve said:
It would take off.


It has no lift! Thrust - lift = fast not airborne. :rolleyes: ;)

On topic: That's brilliant, as for getting off it can probably be locked in place... or you could jump.
Jumpingmedic said:
Ok... how the HELL did they make a treadmill do that? :confused:

Well its been in development 11 years, its probably a good thing for their investors they came up with something :p The bloke is only walking, hardly pushing the machine to its boundaries. I would love to see a harness addiction so you could run, jump, hell even flip :) Imagine the arcade fun you could have.

There are tons of ways you could implement this. The floor could be a low friction pressure matrix which wraps around itself and moves freely on all axis. Then its a simple case of sensing the direction of movement and providing an equal force to oppose it. I reckon it looks more complicated than it is but its impressive non the less.
pok125 said:
Thats pretty cool. I always thought it would be cool to have a VR MMORPG, but I think we're some time away from having that.

It would certainly put paid to the "Gamers are couch potatoes" attitude. I for one look forward to the day when we gamers are feared for our physical prowess and skill with medieval weaponry :D .
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