Opera Mini

19 Jul 2004
West Yorkshire

Quite surprised no-one's mentioned this :p

This is an application that runs on any Java enabled mobile phone (which is pretty much all vaguely recent ones), and allows you to browse the proper web (it connects through the Opera servers to resize pages and reduce them in size) :D

It's pretty amazing, although these forums are a bit squished on it :(
I heard about this probly a month or so ago!... on here, but I can't find the Thread!...

Anyhew. Works a treat on my w800i I've got OcUK bookmarked!!.. :D
Would this give similar results to using the pocket pc version of Opera but with shrink to fit turned off?

If it is then it's still going to be a pain to browse sites that aren't designed for tiny browsers...like this one for example :p

edit: XDA Mini S keyboard for the win!
Grrrr doesnt work, says that it cant connect to the net, but the other web browser can :( It looks so smart aswell :(

Found this last night from a link from www.gsmarena.com :)

Really ace bit of software; puts the standard Nokia app to shame in soo many ways.

It's so much quicker and better designed than the Nokia browser; just the other day I was trying to access the forums on it and it ground to a halt :(

Ace :D

t3h :cool:
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