Opinion on revised photo

8 Sep 2005
So i found a photo i took a while ago and decided to have another go at post processing on it. I posted the other version on here, but will post it again as you probably won't remember what it looked liked. Its funny how new features in a program + time can so drastically change the outcome of a photo. I made sure i didn't see the original post processed version of the photo, and started from scratch again. Did i do better or worse? :eek: :confused:


I like the contrast between the blue and the orange, i think you should increase that, brighten the blue. The second imo isnt better, not bad thought.
In some ways i prefer the first, however the revised is getting on track, i feel that more colour is needed to give out the impact as mentioned above. Great picture btw.
I like the extra contrast with the sunset, but I think the sky needs to be more saturated. I like the crop now as well, there was too much black at the bottom in the first one. Please, please clone out the vapour trail above the cloud (above the sun)!

Apart from that it's stunning :)

Did a quick tweak in Aperture of your tweaked one and came up with this!


The colour in the top left hand corner is weird though, i may tone it down a bit.

for me, the best bit of the photo is the beams of light from the sun - and you've totally lost the definition on them once you began playing with the image :(
I think I'd prefer them with the massive black cloud cloned out - I'm drawn to it rather than the actual sun. I'd do it myself, but I'm tired :p
barnettgs said:
I prefer the original, I can't see the need to post-processing.

The original has nice bluer evening sky with sun beam.

The first photo has been processed in PSP as well. Its just that the two photos are edited in different styles.

Thank you for all the comments :) I'm still unsure which version i prefer though. I like the first photo because of the blue sky/light rays, but also like the 2nd one because it has more of an impact.
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