Options - better cooling or new case?

25 Dec 2009
I've just upgraded to the setup listed in my sig and will shortly be adding the Gigabyte 460 SOC, and it's currently all in a Thermaltake Tsunami Dream case.
I'm planning on doing some gentle overclocking but for peace of mind want to improve airflow and/or cooling first. Not by a huge amount, just enough so that I don't have to worry about anything overheating (like my old 8600GTS did.)

I was initially planning to buy a side panel with a fan built in - something not sold by OCUK, and only one place I can find through google does it - and it's out of stock.
I've read suggestions of DIY options...that's a no go for me. So what do I do? I know very little about cooling (or PC's in general) and don't know what's best. Whatever I do I'd rather keep the price down - £40-50 max (but I'd prefer to stay lower) so what are the options? So far the only thing I can think of is buying a new case or improving cooling in other ways - and I don't have a clue about cooling.
Depends what you want to keep cool, if its just the CPU do you use the stock cooler? if so for about £15 you could get a freezer 7 which has a great bang for buck ratio. do you have room in your case for more fans? have you tried re-seating your CPU cooler with new paste etc etc if its the ram you can get heat spreaders and so on.
Everything is stock, fitted last week when I upgraded.

My main concern is my graphics card cooking when it arrives. I gather from these forums that it's got pretty good cooling already on it but I figured having better airflow within the case couldn't do any harm. The case sits in a corner about 9 inches from a wall though (and with a radiator a couple of feet away, which will be on more as it gets cold) so I'm just trying to be careful.

CPU etc I'm less concerned about, I've got an app that monitors temp etc and I've been watching that carefully. If I get concerned about that I'll look for a better cooler for it.


I've no idea if the case has room for more fans. I don't actually know where they would go. I'll post a pic a bit later (once I've done some more cable management.)
for GFX cooling you could buy a cooler that is not standard and/or if your case has room for a side fan then do that, pushing air onto the card, ive always used bog standard cooling on my card and let them run a little hot if im honest, something i to am looking to work on ;) once you post a pic of the case ill see if it can take some more fans etc, also ill have a read up online as havnt got much to do at work atm
The cards own cooling is pretty good already reading the reviews - it's not the same stock cooler as goes on the normal 460, its a better one apparently. I'm not going to change that, but anything that improves case airflow I'll be happy with.

Or of course a new case is an option.


I've got a little bit more cash than I thought, so I'm thinking about upgrading to a 470 instead and getting a new PSU (as I don't think the 470 will work with my existing PSU.) Not that this changes anything, I'm not going to change GPU cooling anyway as I don't want to lose the warranty.
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Please ignore the state of the cables, I've not had the chance to go out and buy cable ties since upgrading. I'll be sorting it shortly.
For anyone interested I've got a post running in the graphics card part of the forum.

Right now I'm veering towards upgrading my PSU and getting a 470 - probably in Gigabyte SOC flavour. From the reviews it uses noticeably less power and runs cooler than a standard 470 thanks to (amongst other things) a better cooler.

Between the two threads I've got three questions:

1. Is it going to be worthwhile improving the airflow in the case?
2. If so, how?
3. Will a 470 SOC run if I go for a Corsair CX-500W PSU or do I need to look at a 650W equivalent?
i would advise dusting it once every two weeks, that will help your temps :D

even if not Overclocking, if you get a better cpu cooler you will have a cooler case temp

i advise the freezer 7 64, best bang for buck without damaging the wallet

i noticed you have 3x spair 5'4 inch bays under your CD draw, cable tie a 120mm in there as intake so its blowing air into the case, should help temps further

(im gussing the drive bay covers have holes in?)

apart from that not too much you can do without hacking up the case
Purchase an air duster aswell ;)
First priority should be Dremel or similar tool for cutting away those dirt cheap stamped meshes blocking fans.

and getting a 470 - probably in Gigabyte SOC flavour. From the reviews it uses noticeably less power and runs cooler than a standard 470
And makes case hotter by dumping most of the heat inside the case instead of blowing it straight out.
(higher temperature increases consumption of any integrated chips, not just GPU)

3. Will a 470 SOC run if I go for a Corsair CX-500W PSU or do I need to look at a 650W equivalent?
New CXes are lower end platforms than CX400 (and overspecced) so forget them.
Instead get 500W PSU with quality components.
Will have a pop at the mesh then.

Any chance of posting a link to a PSU that will run comfortably the things I need it to without being overpriced?

As for the other comments, a lot of them have gone over my head. I'll post up a few more pics of the case interior tomorrow if it'll help.
I'm settled on a Corsair TX-650W, but I'm not sold on the 6870. It's a fair chunk more but the 470 SOC seems to be the best graphics card I can get for the £250.
Depends if you want a GPU that will melt your rig or not.

Ultimately a case is a means to an end. I want a good GPU. If theres a risk of overheating then I want to nullify that - either with increased fans or a new case. Choosing a GPU that meets your cases ability seems a little like the tail wagging the dog to me.
I'm quite happy to buy a new case if that's the way ahead. As long as it's not silly money then I'm perfectly happy doing that - though one with good cooling as standard is more suited to my limited technical knowledge.

So lets say I'm going for the 470 SOC and a 650W PSU, along with the stuff in my sig. Tweak existing case, move PSU to the bottom, add another fan to the top, add an aftermarket CPU cooler OR buy a new case?
The latter sounds easiest. Right now though all I want is to safely be able to run the setup I've decided on, and you guys know better than I how I can do that. I'd be grateful for opinions - by now you've an idea of how much of a novice I am. Which is the better option?
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