Orange now offering £8 p/m unlimited data bundle?

26 Oct 2002
East Sussex
The below is taken from another forum.

A new bolt on which is £8 per month which allows you unlimited GPRS / 3G data usage on your phone.... and its available now apparently!!

There are a few conditions...

- you must sign up to a 12 month contract of this bolt on (which works out to be £60 per year)
- you cant use your phone as a modem
- traffic from msn messenger is not included in this, which means you pay extra for the data used by IM

I thought that was a bit strange considering that IM traffic is a tiny amount compared to skype etc.

Just checking with Orange now regarding some more details on this. If this is true I may hold hold for the M3100 to be released on Orange Instead of jumping ship to T-Mobile.
Dolph said:
You also need to be on a Premier or Panther tariff to qualify for the bundle.

I'll need to check out the cost of the Panther package. I just called CS and they couldn't find any info on it.

Edit: Just checked the minimum Panther tariff is £45 plus the £8 for data, taking the total to £53. :(

Oh well.
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GuruJockStrap said:
Goodbye Orange, hello T-Mobile FlexT and Web N Walk!

Quoted for truth.

Im going to be going from an Orange 6680 to a Vario II when it gets released. Though ill see what i can get from orange while im there but i bet they wont be able to match it.
Exactly what I'm planning to do but with a 6630 at the moment.

I do like to access the Internet from my mobile device and with Vodafone, O2 and Orange this is pretty expensive.

Vodafone is out of the question (poor signal where I live), O2 is just flat out expensive and the £8 charge for unlimited use from Orange is great but that Panther tariff is too expensive for me (my contract is £30 per month).

All I need now is T-Mobile to pull their finger out and release the Vario II!
Pdog said:
- traffic from msn messenger is not included in this, which means you pay extra for the data used by IM

Seems stupid given the tiny amount of dta used by IM.

I'm currently on a 3 month "try 3g" package which gives me 1000 megs a month for nothing for 3 months, but rest assured after 3 months is up I'll not be touching data with a bargepole as it's too expensive really for anything but emergencies.

Thankfully the Nokia N80 has WLAN connectivity, so there's usually an unsecured access point not too far away!
PeterNem said:
Seems stupid given the tiny amount of dta used by IM.

but think of all the SMS traffic they would loose if every one left MSN signed in and just used that instead.
Shoei said:
but think of all the SMS traffic they would loose if every one left MSN signed in and just used that instead.

Generally the people who have this option open to them will be on a decent tarrif and probably 1,000 texts a month free or something silly anyway.

I'd imagine most of the income from texting comes from 16 year olds texting their mates, who are unlikely to be on a priceplan which will allow the £8 data bolt on.

Until phones and the network become able to have an always on data connection without the phone battery dieing after a few hours or something this may be a problem, but at the moment just sitting on msn all day on your phone isnt really feasible.
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