Orange SPV M600 roms

17 Nov 2003
ok I need some help (again!!!!)
Where can I get the latest roms from for the SPV M600???
Been on the orange web site and all I can say is AAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhh.
So any help on locating then would be greatly recieved.LOL.
Also if anyone one can recomend a better rom than the orange on ie the ijam rom.......that would be appricated as well.

Many thabks in advance.
thanks for that just bookmarked the page so n ow have two questions......
1. Can I put any other roms on other than the orange one,
2. Can I backup the original orange rom or download it from anywhere?

Many thanks for the help so far.
^^^ Orange never did release any ROM updates for the M500.

I've update the ROM on my M500 several times from different operator, currently using a T-Mobile NL Rom.

Check out the guides on The latest ROMS are hosted on their FTP server. Make sure you read all the guides properly though and know what you are doing before you upgrade.
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