Hi all!
Right to cut a long story short i genuinely phoned orange to get disconected and they have given me an offer i'm finding hard to refuse.
I currently pay £35 per month for 600 mins and unlimited text messages.
They have offered me the HTC Touch diamond for £49.99 as a one off fee
For £20 i get the same package i'm on (600mins unlimited texts) + free unlimited web.
it's an 18 month contract. The only thing that's holding me back is the phone i've read mixed reviews about it and i'm not totally sure (wanted the xperia but they don't do it). My main use for the phone would be texting/calling/emailing. Is this the right phone for me? i've always had sony ericsson phones since the t68i so this would be a big change for me!
What do you guys think??
Right to cut a long story short i genuinely phoned orange to get disconected and they have given me an offer i'm finding hard to refuse.
I currently pay £35 per month for 600 mins and unlimited text messages.
They have offered me the HTC Touch diamond for £49.99 as a one off fee
For £20 i get the same package i'm on (600mins unlimited texts) + free unlimited web.
it's an 18 month contract. The only thing that's holding me back is the phone i've read mixed reviews about it and i'm not totally sure (wanted the xperia but they don't do it). My main use for the phone would be texting/calling/emailing. Is this the right phone for me? i've always had sony ericsson phones since the t68i so this would be a big change for me!
What do you guys think??