Overclock is stable, runs games great. Prime says no.

20 Feb 2011
So first question:

this is an e6600 core at .2 ghz.
Is achieving this at 8x400 rather than 9x 360 better? (I've gone for the former as it allows me to run at a lower temp with less voltage)

Back on track: without this overclock, my pc would have been floundering donkeys back. I don't have the cash to build a new one right now, though I am considering a core 2 quad at the end of the year to tide me over for a bit. Thing is, this thing runs all games like a dream (with the exception of ME2 which flickers with textures sometimes) yet if you run prime 95 on it, one worker will stop within seconds. Unstable clock therefore? Why is this? Just bumping up vcore hasn't helped so far... would doing the northbridge as well help at all?

DDR2 pc6400 RAM
GTX 460 1 gig
Prime tests the CPU a lot more than a game does hence would show issues. Northbridge would help, bump it up a little.

Try intel burn test
Sory for jumping in on your thread but this happens on my SB rig, but what do i bump up on that platform to stop the worker failing on one core?
Asrock Extreme4 G3.
check memory too and make sure its not overclocked and running at correct volts, ideally you should get the CPU stable before attempting memory overlock, or just leave it as is.
Sorry for leaving the reply late -I'd forgotten about this one week. I haven't overclocked the mem - it's 6400, so while the fsb right now is about 345 (x9) I've made sure that the ratio is 1:1 by running it at 2x and also that the speed of the ram hasn't exceeded the 800mhz that it's rated at.

However, I have upped the voltage. From memory, this is what I've got:

FSB: 345 or 340
Multiplier: 9
PCI-e speed 100
(FSB ratio: 800 : 690)

Northbridge +.10
DDR2 +.100
Vcore +1.45 (norm 1.37)
PCI-e (normal)

These settings are stable - although admittedly I haven't tinkered with the voltage settings since bumping them up initially while performing the overclock. I do know that Vcore is currently correct, so it can only go up at this point, otherwise prime returns errors.

As for Northbridge and DDR2, they were just guesstimates - I set them there while overclocking. Seeing as I haven't overclocked the RAM, it doesn't really need to be at +.100 I don't think. Northbridge, though, is correct, it failed to boot at a lower voltage.
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