Overclocked i7 920 but not seeing gains.

21 Jan 2007

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Last year I purchased a new rig with the following

Intel Core i7 920 D0 2.66
Asus P6T SE
OCZ Gold 6GB (3x2GB) DDR3 PC3-10666C9 1333MHz

And this year I updated the gfx card to a Sapphire 5970 .

So I would think I could throw pretty much any game at that setup without overclocking ?

But in MP games like Battlefield: Bad Company 2 or Medal Of Honor I still getting slow downs and depending on what map , a bit of stuttering or flickering. I am running on 1920x1200 usually all settings maxed with AA at 4x and AF at 8x

I *thought* overclocking the CPU might help so I bumped it up to 3.7Ghz (stock 2.66) but this doesn't appear to have made any significant improvement. In fact, to my eye , it made no difference really to gameplay at all.

So is it just the card (5970) that is struggling to cope with the game ?

Would upgrading the RAM make any significant difference seeing as the motherboard can support it?

Thanks in advance
hii aslo have a i7 asus pt6,but i had mine oc to 4.2,but out of curosity i put it back down to 2.6 and then started up cod 5,exspecting a drop in fp,i got a shock,no diffrence ,i got the same frames at 2.6 that i was getting at 4.2,i was told i would see a diffrence in some games but not all,as far as your gfx,you should be getting atleast 100fps in badcompany with 4aa 8x,i got 125fps with my 5870 cf,so you shouldnt be far behind,there is no way you should be having fps problems with that card,try renstalling the drivers agin
overclocking the CPU will not magically improve gaming performance as memory speed, memory capacity & hard drive speed are also limiting factors, factors which usually have more effect than the CPU speed.

The problem you have is that the i7 920, even at stock, is fast enough for pretty much every game on the market so overclocking it won't have much, if any impact on frame rates
I cant see your 'slowdowns' being due to either the processor, graphics card or memory, as they are all decent components tbh.
I don't know how graphically intensive BF:BC2 is as I have never played it, but you have got a pretty decent spec system, so I would expect it to play pretty much any games fairly well!

Perhaps try running a 3dMark06 and post the result up here, that will give a good indication of how well your system copes with games.

My initial thought would be possibly the hard drive holding you back.

Do you run windows Vista or 7? If so, what is your pc rating score for each component?
That should also help you identify the part thats holding you back.
I would check what FPS your system is running BFBC2 at. But it seems that your 5970 is at fault here. Internal Crossfire posibly not scaling well?
Hi Guys

Sorry I am running Windows 7 64Bit (Ultimate)

Windows Rating
Processor 7.4
RAM: 7.6
Gfx: 7.6
Gaming: 7.6
HDD: 5.9

The HDD score did surprise me TBH as I am running 2 x seagate barra 1TB in RAID 0 (onboard raid) but I don't think that is the issue . Loading speeds are quite fast .

I didn't run 3DMark scores as I am not sure which one to test (3dmark 2006 or 3dmark vantage)

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Just a thought, but I noticed the OP is specifically about the MP parts of the game.

Could it be a limit due to the internet/broadband connection? What speed connection to you have?
Have you tried a complete manual driver re-install (Using DriverCleaner or equivalent to completely remove the old drivers?). Might also be worth checking if there is a recommended version of the 5970 driver, since not all of the new driver releases result in improved framerates.

Please move this if its not in the right section.

Last year I purchased a new rig with the following

Intel Core i7 920 D0 2.66
Asus P6T SE
OCZ Gold 6GB (3x2GB) DDR3 PC3-10666C9 1333MHz

And this year I updated the gfx card to a Sapphire 5970 .

So I would think I could throw pretty much any game at that setup without overclocking ?

But in MP games like Battlefield: Bad Company 2 or Medal Of Honor I still getting slow downs and depending on what map , a bit of stuttering or flickering. I am running on 1920x1200 usually all settings maxed with AA at 4x and AF at 8x

I *thought* overclocking the CPU might help so I bumped it up to 3.7Ghz (stock 2.66) but this doesn't appear to have made any significant improvement. In fact, to my eye , it made no difference really to gameplay at all.

So is it just the card (5970) that is struggling to cope with the game ?

Would upgrading the RAM make any significant difference seeing as the motherboard can support it?

Thanks in advance

Battlefield BC2 multiplayer is not a good representation of your computers power.

I get lag on certain servers using my rig in my signature, but if I play the single player the card plays the game with ease. The lag you see could be ping related, server related, other player related etc.....

You should overclock your cpu. I read somewhere on the net, that dispite the number of cores, the frequency needed to generally lift any cpu bottle neck is 3.6ghz, so as long as your cpu is running at 3.6 + I would say its wide* enough for the 5970 to be utilised properly.

Try running the BFBC2 single player and your see it runs like water!

Your pc is a monster! To test it play an offline single player game, that will give you a good representation of its capabilities.

Try Metro 2033! Thats a beast of a game, looks amazing is offline and single player.

For you info, my pic in sig, can play it maxed out, with DOF off and MSAA off.

You should be able to at least turn one of those two on if not both!

If you havent played it yet, trust me, you want to see what Dx11 looks like, then play Metro 2033!
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You definately enabling x-fire properly and not just using 1 of the GPUs?

erm I dont know :) where do I enable it ? I remember looking before but didn't see any options to do this so I didnt look again.

@ opethdisciple

You might be right . I will need to do a few more tests/ comparisons. I will take a look at Metro 2033 :) Thanks for the advice .
overclocking the CPU will not magically improve gaming performance as memory speed, memory capacity & hard drive speed are also limiting factors, factors which usually have more effect than the CPU speed.

The problem you have is that the i7 920, even at stock, is fast enough for pretty much every game on the market so overclocking it won't have much, if any impact on frame rates

I dont think thats complety true. I agree that an 8 core cpu is plenty enough. But not all games/apps utilise all the cores, some only 2 other up to 4, very few can use all.

Thats why at present, freqency of cpu is still very very important.

As I said above. I read online that at present a 3.6ghz overclock is generally a good frequency to more or less put the bottle neck to performace on the gpu rather than the cpu depending on resolution and game.

But 3.6ghz is a safe bet.
erm I dont know :) where do I enable it ? I remember looking before but didn't see any options to do this so I didnt look again.

@ opethdisciple

You might be right . I will need to do a few more tests/ comparisons. I will take a look at Metro 2033 :) Thanks for the advice .

You can see if xfire is on in the catalyst control center.

Im telling you dude, the lag you see is not your pc but other factors, you dont control.

Actually another cause of lag you can add to the list is Punk Buster!
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