Overclocking a i5 - 2500k with 4 sticks of ram

13 Oct 2005
Is it possible to overclock a i5 - 2500k with 4 sticks of ram and get it above 4.5ghz stable. I ask this as I have always had problems with overclocking a cpu when there are four sticks of ram involved instead of two.
Although I have not done any extensive stability testing above 10 loops of IBT at very high or running benchmarks like heaven and 3Dmark11, my 4.7 seems pretty solid for the past couple of days.

Also I had no choice but to leave vcore on auto so with more fiddling it could be lower voltage and maximum stability with 4 banks used.
No probs with 4 sticks of RAM here either.

4.8Ghz stable is easy enough on my system, 5.0Ghz was stable for 30 mins but that was before I knew about the higher acceptance on the SB vcores.

Knowing what I know now I'd be quite happy running 5.0Ghz @ 1.41-1.43 vcore.
I can get 4.7 at a modest 1.32v under load with 4 sticks - unfortunately its bumping thermal limits in my poorly vented case at that point :P (But the important thing is there's loads of headroom there for higher stable speeds.)
4.5GHZ will be fine :), 4.6GHZ perhaps with a little more volts 1.356 and ram at 1.60v

I'm using 8GB memory :p

Make sure you have some form of vdroop control like load line, keeps the core volts stable
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