p55 vs x58 in SLI/Crossfire

24 Aug 2009
I was just wondering that as now we can use familiar cores on to test is there a major difference between the x58 and the p55 in 2 card crossfire or SLI and if so by how much as it hasn't been talked about much...
there is a small difference, varies from game to game as always. The real test will come with newer gen graphics cards as they consume more and more pci-e bandwitdh. the x58 platform obvious has room to accomodate these needs whereas the p55 platform may not
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The biggest difference is that P55 runs at one 16x or two 8x lanes, while X58 can do two 16x lanes. At the moment it's only going to make a difference if you are running a pair of dual GPU cards such as the 4870x2 or GTX 295. This could change with future GPU releases though.
yeah right now the difference is under 10% mark

but with new cards coming out such as 5870 that has double bandwidth than 4890 the difference will surely increase.

p55 is perfect if you go single card, for example 5870x2 or gtx295

if you want sli/xfire then go with x58 :P
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