p90x workout.....who has used it?

18 Oct 2002
Hi all,

I've been reading about the p90x workout and may try it out soon. Was wondering if anyone has tried it and how good its results are. I did a search but the only p90x thread is closed so thought I would start another one.

Thanks in advance
I've heard of it and seen peoples journals on other forums.

I've never NOT seen anyone do well on the routine. A guy at work is planning no starting it soon co-incidentally so it could be interestnig.
The best thing is that it gets you up and gets you moving (which for most users is a step in the right direction). It's probably better suited to losing weight than trying to gain any as the resistance stuff is rather limited.

For me it kickstarted an interest in getting fit. I don't think I got to the end of the 90 days and I didn't do the whole diet thing. What it did for me is to provide a nice starting point and foundation of disciplines (lots of different styles of excercise, stretching etc and also a reasonable diet discipline) Toward the end of the 90 days I was longing for some bigger lifting and more usual cardio but for vitually no equipment it isn't bad (good for holidays or if you travel a lot with work for example)

If you currently do virtually no excercise it is a great place to start from and the videos are kinda fun (for a while) I still stick a few on now and then (stretching and plyo are favourites)
The best thing is that it gets you up and gets you moving (which for most users is a step in the right direction). It's probably better suited to losing weight than trying to gain any as the resistance stuff is rather limited.

For me it kickstarted an interest in getting fit. I don't think I got to the end of the 90 days and I didn't do the whole diet thing. What it did for me is to provide a nice starting point and foundation of disciplines (lots of different styles of excercise, stretching etc and also a reasonable diet discipline) Toward the end of the 90 days I was longing for some bigger lifting and more usual cardio but for vitually no equipment it isn't bad (good for holidays or if you travel a lot with work for example)

If you currently do virtually no excercise it is a great place to start from and the videos are kinda fun (for a while) I still stick a few on now and then (stretching and plyo are favourites)

I've basically stopped working out due to work, hectic life outside of work atm and want to really get back into it and I by reading some of the reviews and results of p90x that it would be an ideal place for me to restart. In terms of equipment its just resistence bands and some dumbells right?
I tried it for a few weeks. Lost no weight whatsoever. No surprise given my general history with exercise and weight loss though :)

Found the Yoga disc the hardest
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