Pacman Finding It Hard In Real Life

and i'd have punched the **** in the pac man suit out if he'd came on during the game i'd paid hard money for and started interfering.

Looked like a guy playing with his daughter, big deal he lifted a ball, gees not as if it was a tournament.

If anything it was assault on the golfers part, you just cant go whacking people.

Funny vids.
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Looked like a guy playing with his daughter, big deal he lifted a ball, gees not as if it was a tournament.

If anything it was assault on the golfers part, you just cant go whacking people.

Funny vids.

the dad could have thought he was assaulting the daughter?

doesn't matter, what gives the muppet the right to go and interfere like that? it's always funny until the people you're annoying strike back. grow up and stop thinking like a child (ie the guy from the video)
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