Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop?

19 May 2005

I have Paint Shop Pro 10 and was just wondering if Photoshop is that much better that its worth £500?. I wouldn't be able to afford it anyway but it seems everyone always mentions Photoshop and i never hear any mention of paint shop. Ive been having a quick go today and I'm well impressed with it, i had paint shop 8 before and this has a lot more features. Ive found out how to cut certain things out of a picture lol, also the clone tool will come in quite handy i think. Any tools that photo shop has that paint shop is missing?.
This is just my first go with it trying the different tools, it was one lamb and i though it looked lonely so gave it some friends :) .

Clones :eek:

I haven't used Paint Shop Pro since version 6, but it seemed decent enough and I never had anything I couldn't do with it :)
I wanted to get Photoshop really as id heard it mentioned all the time but when i looked on google it was like £450-£500 :eek: . I got Paintshop 10 for £58. It seems great so far but it'll take me ages to figure everything out, i need to learn about layers and stuff.

I'm not trying to be demeaning here but I would guess the vast majority of people on here didn't pay £500 for PS.
xolotl said:
I'm not trying to be demeaning here but I would guess the vast majority of people on here didn't pay £500 for PS.

I think you may well be right...

xolotl said:
I'm not trying to be demeaning here but I would guess the vast majority of people on here didn't pay £500 for PS.

What he said^^^^ :)

but ended up going back to PSP10 as its what i know and feels 'comfy' if you know what i mean.

Plus the fact i can use it with a clear conciense (sp?!?!) as i legally own it :)

In my opinion, PhotoShop is way better. I know this because I had three years of experience with Paint Shop Pro and then tryed PhotoShop and was totly blown away by it, it is so much better.
I find drawing with the pen tool MUCH easier in PSP than PS.

Other than that I've migrated to PS from PSP for most stuff because it's industry standard and there are loads more tutorials and interesting things online for it.
i have to say photoshop is better as well and i have a proper copy coz i conned my boss out of it at my old work place lol fool :p
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