Parrott Address Book

5 Apr 2004
Using a Blackberry 8120 with a Parrott CK3100, is there any way to change the address book display from forename/surname to surname/forename?

The Blackberry address book is set to surname/forename but this is reversed when the BB connects to the Parrott.
Best Bet is to sack off the phone book on the parrott and use the voice activation commands on the BB. I assume it works similar to WM after watching a collegue use the voice stuff on BB.

1) Press the answer call button on your parrott
2) This mutes radio and connects to the BB
3) Say your command
4) BB understands the command and dials the number/sends and SMS
Not a fan of voice dialling, was hoping there'd be an option to just change the address book display mode.

I've been through the manual and it doesn't mention anything, just can't work out why it swaps the names around when taking them from the BB.
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