Couldn't disagree more with this, the campaign alone as a first run through played without rushing through asap gives you a good 20 hours play, then after that exploring end game and all the builds even for just one character there is so much to do. Very much well worth the £23 cost ($30).
POE2 is my first experience of an ARPG and im 300 hours deep with 2 characters at end game (92 Sorc and 89 Monk) and thats only playing 1 of each of their ascendancies as you cant currently swap your class ascendancy.
Its an early access beta, and also a league style game, even when it hits release you will get resets every few months anyway and tweaks / changes (nerfs buffs etc) so i wouldn't focus on that as a reason not to play it. As an EA-beta its already very polished, but if you area looking at it from a campaign perspective, wait until official release for the full 1-6 act campaign, although that full release could still be up to a year away!
At full release only, in the EA you just replay acts 1-3 on cruel difficulty but in all honesty they are easier given you have character power and an understanding of the game at this point.
Dont try and spam dodge, be in close, wait until hes locked in on the annimation then dodge around him.
Fix your resistances first and foremost, use the trade side to pick up some less powerful gear that will cap your resistances.
If you need some easy exalted orbs to get you going then run through the Trial of Chaos, depending on your power and ability you can do 4/7/10 trials, get you soul cores here and you can sell them in game via the currency exchange. Most of them go for 4-6 ex each, 1 or 2 go for 20, then theres 1 big one going for 200ish at the moment.