Pay as you go - top ups - Can you have internet on pay as you go?

4 Nov 2002
England - Leeds
Hi there, the title says it all really, just wondering if you can buy a top up for your phone on pay as ya go like £5 or £10 from shop and if you can use it for internet instead of text or calls, or both?

Thanks in advance.
With o2 text and web tariff you top up £10 and get £10 credit as well as 300 free texts and 500mb of data usage, or £15 and get 500 texts and 500mb of data to use within a month. I imagine that orange do something similar to this too.
T-mobile do unlimited (1gb fair use, no charges if you go over though) for either £5 a month or £20 for 6 months. No idea what vodafone do. The orange deal is pretty good too though.

You get unlimited texts too if you top up £10 a month.
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