PAYG iPhone - Locked or Unlocked?

27 Jun 2006
Hey folks,

If you bought an iPhone from the Apple Store at the full PAYG price and activated it with a carrier such as o2, is that device then locked down to that carrier or does it remain an unlocked device?

quite sure it stays unlocked.

once a phone is unlocked it stays that way,might be different for a iphone though,sure someone will confirm this.
I think if you buy an iPhone DIRECT from apple they are unlocked..

Because.. when I sent my iPhone for repair it was locked to o2 and they sent me a unlocked on.
It won't lock unless you bought it directly from a network as iPhones bought directly from apple are on their database of unlocked iPhones.
Thanks for your answers. Reason I asked is because I sold an "unlocked" 3GS and the buyer said it wasn't unlocked when they got it. But it slipped my mind that o2 had exclusivity of the 3G and 3GS for a time so maybe that was the problem.
Sorry to intrude on your thread but I have a similar question, someone has asked me if they can buy a iPhone 4S on payg and use their tesco mobile contract sim in it.

I know it will need cutting down or replacing by tesco, but will a payg or o2 payg accept a tesco sim without a problem? As I noticed Tesco dont sell the payg 4S
Sorry to intrude on your thread but I have a similar question, someone has asked me if they can buy a iPhone 4S on payg and use their tesco mobile contract sim in it.

I know it will need cutting down or replacing by tesco, but will a payg or o2 payg accept a tesco sim without a problem? As I noticed Tesco dont sell the payg 4S

No, its likely the phone will be locked to o2 if it was bought from an o2 store.

You also can't get o2 to unlock the 4S for now. I have a contract with o2 and they wouldn't unlock my 4S.
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