People of your town
I’m not sure if a thread like this has been posted before but I thought it might be funny.
Having spent around half my life growing up in and around Basingstoke (yes poor me) I always find it amazing that whenever I go back there I nearly always spot the same couple of people walking around the town centre. These are the people that you ALWAYS see and you feel like you’ve seen them every time you’ve headed in to town over the past 10 years!!
For me there is three in Basingstoke, one guy who looks a bit like George Best, has a black leather jacket, gold earring and usually carries a sports bag. The other would be a black guy who used to wear bright coloured jeans (orange, yellow, red) and looks a little bit like Richard Blackman. The third is a large woman, really scruffy, always wears a big fleece, glasses with thick lenses and has fat ankles that bulge above her shoes.
So.. post the “People of your town” and see if any fellow posters recognise them! Anyone from my area recognise mine?!
Replies with pics = win.
I’m not sure if a thread like this has been posted before but I thought it might be funny.
Having spent around half my life growing up in and around Basingstoke (yes poor me) I always find it amazing that whenever I go back there I nearly always spot the same couple of people walking around the town centre. These are the people that you ALWAYS see and you feel like you’ve seen them every time you’ve headed in to town over the past 10 years!!
For me there is three in Basingstoke, one guy who looks a bit like George Best, has a black leather jacket, gold earring and usually carries a sports bag. The other would be a black guy who used to wear bright coloured jeans (orange, yellow, red) and looks a little bit like Richard Blackman. The third is a large woman, really scruffy, always wears a big fleece, glasses with thick lenses and has fat ankles that bulge above her shoes.
So.. post the “People of your town” and see if any fellow posters recognise them! Anyone from my area recognise mine?!
Replies with pics = win.