People of your town!

25 Nov 2005
People of your town

I’m not sure if a thread like this has been posted before but I thought it might be funny.

Having spent around half my life growing up in and around Basingstoke (yes poor me) I always find it amazing that whenever I go back there I nearly always spot the same couple of people walking around the town centre. These are the people that you ALWAYS see and you feel like you’ve seen them every time you’ve headed in to town over the past 10 years!!

For me there is three in Basingstoke, one guy who looks a bit like George Best, has a black leather jacket, gold earring and usually carries a sports bag. The other would be a black guy who used to wear bright coloured jeans (orange, yellow, red) and looks a little bit like Richard Blackman. The third is a large woman, really scruffy, always wears a big fleece, glasses with thick lenses and has fat ankles that bulge above her shoes.

So.. post the “People of your town” and see if any fellow posters recognise them! Anyone from my area recognise mine?!

Replies with pics = win.
Harmonica man from Swindon - Every Saturday he can be found broking out with his harmonica opposite M&S!


Oh, and the trolley twins :p
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Shocked to see someone else from Basingstoke around here! I get the same thing when I head back there from uni. The one that I always seem to see is the guy who must be nearly 7ft tall and has an amazing resemblance to Russell Brand!
Young woman in a wheelchair with a three legged dog. Really nice lady. :)

A guy who has no job, no house and is ALWAYS drunk somehow? How is this possible with no money? There is even a local saying. If Jesus is walking to the right of the green he's heading to the pub, if he's heading the other way he's been kicked out of that pub and is seeking refuge in another one! He also looks like Jesus so everybody calls him Jesus. Also he has a dog, poor dog, eats its own sick on regular basis'; ironically it is named Whisky too! :p
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Theres a guy in Cambridge who cycles around with a radio listening to generally bad rock music at top volume.

The only thing I know about Basingstoke is that Jeremy Clarkson said the only thing to recommend it was its multi story car park.
For Liverpool there's, well, beardy man.

That's not so unusual, but years ago he used to peddle the student union with fantastic stories of how he just needed a few more bob in order to afford X, where X could be a week in the hostel, some sort of ID to get him into a shelter etc. etc.

He was there for a few years, always with a donation can (of Calsberg) in his hand when he disappeared for a few months. Then he returned with one foot missing and crutches. A while later one bottom half of the leg. Much later the second foot went, and afterwards it too retreated to the knee. So years later, he now is in a wheel chair, peddling a different part of the town with a little bit of charm.

Harmonica man from Swindon - Every Saturday he can be found broking out with his harmonica opposite M&S!


Oh, and the trolley twins :p

How dare you allow product placement into your tramp photo. :p
Cardiff has a fair few..

Shake hands man (goes around shaking everyone's hand)
Toy Mic Trev (lovely old chap that sings on the street into a toy mic)
Ninja (bangs on bins all day with drum sticks, then gets into all night clubs for free and drinks bought for him..??)
Megaphone black guy (goes around preaching through his megaphone!)

Will look for pictures of them now :D
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from St Annes, there is 'bench man' scruffy looking fella who when walking past a bench on the prom will turn sideways and side-step past it, before turning back and walking normally.
The there was 'walking women' who was always seen walking, everywhere, all the time. But then somebody killed her, so she doesn't do that anymore.
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