So...had two incidences today of people stepping out in front of me.
Cycling to work in the morning. Straight, flat road. No traffic. Riding from the west. Woman with two dogs crosses from the opposite side straight in front of my path meaning I have to slam on the anchors.
I politely said "good morning" at which point she looked up and said "Oh sorry, I didn't see you there". At this point sarcasm kicked in and I pointed out that yes, I can understand it must be hard to see a 6ft tall bloke in hi-vis on a bright green bike on a clear morning.
The second was out in the truck around 1pm and I'm approaching a ped crossing. 3 women standing there all 50-60ish. Lights clearly green for me, red for them. One woman just walks straight out in front of me. ABS kicks in. She then just stands in the middle of the road because the traffic on the other side is flowing too freely. The other 2 women looked shocked as did the guy coming the other way who she nearly walked out in front of.
Now the thing is, if I'd hit either of those women I'd have been blamed.
What's curious is the second one happened at the same location as this:
Am I the only one thinking that if you're going to step out in front of moving traffic, whether car or bike, you kinda deserve what's coming to you?
Cycling to work in the morning. Straight, flat road. No traffic. Riding from the west. Woman with two dogs crosses from the opposite side straight in front of my path meaning I have to slam on the anchors.
I politely said "good morning" at which point she looked up and said "Oh sorry, I didn't see you there". At this point sarcasm kicked in and I pointed out that yes, I can understand it must be hard to see a 6ft tall bloke in hi-vis on a bright green bike on a clear morning.
The second was out in the truck around 1pm and I'm approaching a ped crossing. 3 women standing there all 50-60ish. Lights clearly green for me, red for them. One woman just walks straight out in front of me. ABS kicks in. She then just stands in the middle of the road because the traffic on the other side is flowing too freely. The other 2 women looked shocked as did the guy coming the other way who she nearly walked out in front of.
Now the thing is, if I'd hit either of those women I'd have been blamed.
What's curious is the second one happened at the same location as this:
Am I the only one thinking that if you're going to step out in front of moving traffic, whether car or bike, you kinda deserve what's coming to you?