Permission granted?

15 Feb 2003
West Yorkshire
I was talking to my wife earlier today about the camera bag I am buying for my birthday, and I mentioned that I am still wanting to get a macro lens *hint hint* :D

Her response was that she thought I had already bought it :confused:

Now to me (and also the guys in the office), that means she has just given me permission to go and buy one. What do you all think? :D
No, what it means is, she thought you already had one, and hence she thinks you don't need to go spending and buying ANYMORE lenses !!!

But then why do you need permission anyway !?!?! :p
In woman speak, she means "I thought you already had it, but now you can't have it as I am now aware there is more money available for me to buy shoes"
If she thought that you already had it then you've already had all the grief about "spending to much on lenses bla bla , not enough on me bla bla"

So strictly speaking you've already paid for it so you should really get it delivered :D
If she thinks you have it - say you forgot, buy the macro & something else and say this is what u got (not the macro), and treat her to something. Winner.
Not yet - Will order it when I order my new bag but I want to try the bag first so I will be calling into a photog store at some point this weekend.

I've kind of decided it will be the canon 100mm f/2.8 macro - either that or the sigma 150mm :)
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