Pet insurance for cat.

7 Aug 2009
Hey guys,

I have a cat 11 years old, I suspect she may need some dental work soon and did have a rough quote from a vet recently at £600 if she needs extractions.

I don't have pet insurance for her, but was wondering is there some kind of insurance I can get to soften the blow of £600!

Anyone any experience with pet insurance? Having look, it appears to be more confusing than car insurance!
Yeh to be fair not really finding any insurance that will cover potential extractions, only dental accidents. Reason I was looking for insurance is nothing has actually been diagnosed yet, they just look a bit rough at the back so may just need a clean but was gonna prepare for the worst.
You have already been to the vet and had the quote, therefore it is already on the cats file.

No insurance company will pay for this.

Cheers mate, hadn't thought about that.

Anway , booked her in for next week to have the potential £600 extraction procedure and also just paid another annual fee of £240 for life time insurance cover, things we do for these furballs!
Hi mate, yeh it was with Purely Pets, it was for £3000 vet fees, £160 excess+20% of any vet fees. It actually came to £202, just double checked.

I like the idea that they have a 24/7 vet line where I can call and ask for advice, they even do video calls if they need eyes on of my cat.

Yeh this is for lifetime insurance, so if she gets any illness then it will still be covered on next renewal.
Everything on our Vets bill for our cats teeth to be done was itemized - Like 10 seconds for one tooth -6 seconds for another - every ball of cotton wool they used was listed - it was quite sad really - I would prefer a price and pay it.
Our cat insurance didn't cover teeth and if the cat was diagnosed with something it was covered for 12 months from that day. ronnie had a sore ear and vet just gave us something to put down it to clear it up - Then it got infected later on 14 months after first one so it wasn't covered anymore.
Pet insurance is a real minefield and to my mind Vets and insurance are the new second hand car dealers. They are just printing money.

Gosh, sorry to hear that. It is a minefield and cases like yours kinda scare me which is why I opted for the life time option, forbid she does get ill come next year on renewal the illness will still be covered.
3 doesn't sound like much mate

I always recommend petplan for life, they did our dusty proud :) the for life part s the important part most policies wont cover existing conditions.
This includes conditions they've had before renewal!! Sneaky :grr:
Petplan do include dental and also I think 30% towards foods suggested by the vet
My mate picked up 2 strays from the shelter and had no clue about their history, turned out they both needed a fair amount of dental and one needed a number of exrtactions.
All covered by Petplan :)

Dusty much maxed her 7.5K out one year and then only a few months into the next year almost 4k gone!
The thing is if I hadn't had pet insurance then I know for a fact I'd have still paid the bills by whatever means.
We were paying ~26 a month to cover both our cats for life on 7.5k per year.
Other cat JD was in the vets for 2 and a bit days after an accident, that was the best part of 700 gone!

Damn really ? Do you know what plan your mate took to cover extractions? I did a quote with petplan for life and can only see cover for dental relating to accidents, which my purely pets one covers too. I did read that the petplan for life cover the dental for illness and accident but only if ..

12. The cost of dental treatment We will cover the treatment of a dental injury or illness if: • Your pet had a dental examination by a vet in the 12 months before the first clinical signs of the injury or illness were seen, and • Any treatment recommended as a result of the last dental examination was carried out within 3 months of the examination taking place.
Juts like I did mate think its PP Classic for life
Think the only thing I was told by one of the Petplan people was to ensure they check the teeth on checkups.
Dusty is sadly no longer with us but JD has 6 monthly health checks.

With me mates I think it was a case of they'd been given the all clear at the shelter and no concerns noted for the teeth that helped him

Thanks mate, I've sent them an email to see if they have a plan that will help me with the cost of the dental extractions.

Your 6 monthly checks are they covered by your insurance?

Cheers mate, sorry to hear about Dusty!
Thanks mate, 2 years on shes still missed

The 6 monthly checks are just thru the vets as we joined their pet health club thing.
Gives us a discount on anything we buy (10/15% I think), all his boosters/wormers/fleat treatments na few standard appts a year for like nail clippign and the likes.
Think it costs about a tenner a month

Ahh ok cool, think I will ask about that then, she will be getting her booster in Oct anyway so makes sense to just join their pet monthly thing.

Cheers mate!
Thanks mate, 2 years on shes still missed

The 6 monthly checks are just thru the vets as we joined their pet health club thing.
Gives us a discount on anything we buy (10/15% I think), all his boosters/wormers/fleat treatments na few standard appts a year for like nail clippign and the likes.
Think it costs about a tenner a month

Good shout mate, just called them (medivet) about their monthly plan and it is £20 a month but it has a 15% discount on dental procedures so gonna get that taken off the final dental bill. Thanks mate.
I know of no pet insurance that will cover pre-existing conditions, at least not without exorbitant fees. At this point you're closing the barn door when the horses have already bolted, at least for this bill. I feel for you; it's potential situations like this that have led us never to have a pet without insurance. Even the rabbits are covered.

I'd highly recommend you insure your animals if you want to avoid wince-inducing bills like this in the future. We use PetPlan's Platinum cover. They've been absolutely excellent with ours; payments are very reasonable, and we've made multiple claims for lifelong conditions.

They're even covered for things like Hydrotherapy and Acupuncture :D

Yeh mate, it's definitely been an eye opener regarding the insurance! Funny though, we don't even bat an eyelid at the costs when it comes to our pets, I'd pay anything to make sure she is ok.

With all this talk of the little furball, thought I would share a photo!

Thanks a lot Wanton! I think I was always a bit lax about the insurance as she was a house cat from birth and thought she was less at risk, just keep vaccines up to date and she'll be ok!

I will definitely have a look at PetPlan as I am still within the 14 day cancellation period for pure pets.

Will update this thread when she has her procedure on Friday morning! Cheers guys.
How did everything go mate?

Hey buddy, sorry forgot to update this thread! Mad few months haha.

Cleo had her procedure, they removed 5 teeth and it cost about £600, she's been great ever since and much happier.

She did have a week back in May where she was vomiting every night for 5 days straight a foamy clear substance, so i took her to the vet and they did a urine dip and check up and said no kidney problems, gave me some omeprazole for her and she#s been fine ever since, cost £140 though!

Thanks for concern mate, Cleo is all good now and it's kinda cute when she yawns as she has one upper fang on the left and one fang on the lower right lol.
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