Photostory 3 for Windows

16 Feb 2009
Hello all!

Just a quick question, I'm in the middle of making several photostory presentations, I'm using them as a teaching resource and also as a project for family photo's. Anyway, my question is; does anybody know if I can burn the finished WMV file to a dvd and it work on a normal TV?

Thanks in advance!
I think you can. I also work in a school and I made a few assemblies last year using Photostory. :)

When you've finished with a Photostory presentation you get a few options of how you want to use it.

Just looking at a presentation I made and you get asked "What do you want to do with your story?"

Options are:
  • Save your story for playback on your computer
  • Send the story in an e-mail message
  • Save your story for playback on a Pocket PC with Windows Media Player 10 Mobile
  • Save your story for playback on a Smartphone with Windows Media Player 10 Mobile
  • Save your story for playback on a Portable Media Center

Then when you've selected an option from above you have a Quality Settings area as well. Click on the 'Settings' button and you can choose the dimensions to have the presentation set to. There are 4 profiles for playing back on a computer. Each profile has a different resolution.

There are also two profiles for making DVDs, two for video CDs, 3 for e-mails and then the Windows/Smart phone profiles. :)
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