Pic Of The Day 25th February

9 Nov 2002
Todays pic is an animated view of a solar flare.


A Twisted Solar Eruptive Prominence

A huge eruptive prominence is seen moving out from our Sun in this condensed half-hour time-lapse sequence. Ten Earths could easily fit in the "claw" of this seemingly solar monster. This large prominence, though, is significant not only for its size, but its shape. The twisted figure eight shape indicates that a complex magnetic field threads through the emerging solar particles. Recent evidence of differential rotation inside the Sun might help account for the surface explosion. The sequence was taken early in the year 2000 by the Sun-orbiting SOHO satellite. Although large prominences and energetic Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are relatively rare, they are occurred more frequently near Solar Maximum, the time of peak sunspot and solar activity in the eleven-year solar cycle.

A large piccy (non animated), of the sun taken at the time of this erruption can be found here, this is a 899K Gif image.

Credit: SOHO Consortium, EIT, ESA, NASA

Previous Pic Of The Day posts

24th Feb 03
23rd Feb 03 Courtesy of Biffa :)
20th Feb 03
19th Feb 03
17th Feb 03
16th Feb 03
15th Feb 03
Originally posted by yadobber
Tres cool!:cool: is that the first animated POTD we've had?

IIRC Event Horizon did an animated piccy of an asteroid once, I'll have a dig through my lists and see if I can find it, or it may just be my confused mind playing tricks on me:)
If you have the URLs of the previous Pic Of The Day images (the original ones, not the forum ones), could you organise a list somewhere for the benefit of people who've missed pictures?

We've lost quite a few posts recently due to lack of archiving, so it would be nice to have this instead.:)
I've got most of the previous posts listed, there are quite a few missing of the more recent posts though, due to me not backing up and then having a hard disk die on me:(

I'll have a sort out, probably at the weekend, and post the url's of as many as I can find:)
Originally posted by Markjcj
I'll have a sort out, probably at the weekend, and post the url's of as many as I can find:)
I think a few of mine got pruned as well. I can recover the URL of most of those when I get home.
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