Picking up someone elses wireless connection, causing problems

18 Oct 2002

recently i moved my dads computer onto wireless connection to the internet i am still on wired (thank god). the problem started at the beginning of the week, my dads computer keeps on saying its picking more than one wireless connection to choose from, the connection drops to the internet until you select our connection again..... wait for a bit then it happens again, how do i stop this from happening? i am using WEP encryption on for the wireless connection.

i have given both computers static IPs as before I was using DHCP. i thought this would solve the problem, but it keeps happening.

the router is a Dlink DI-524 and has the latest firmware. the network card in my dads computer is a DWL-G520+

does anyone have any pointers?

thank you

Are you using the microsoft wireless software or the Dlink Untility! The microsoft software is shoddy. Same happens to my other halfs wireless constantly
thanks for the quick response,

the dlink did come with some utility, but it doesnt seem to want to work for me, i have checked on the website and it doesnt list anything that would help as config utility.

and yes i am using windows to config it.

i will look into getting a dlink util.

The Dlink app is badly designed and far from user friendly, but I have found it to be very solid.

Give me a shout if you need help setting it up and I will talk you through it

hi, cheers for the input.

the problem is i cant get the dlink utility to work which is a bit bizzare. i double click it and it doesnt do anything.

Have you turned off the windows management of wireless first. Connection Properties > Wireless Settings > Untick the box

Dlink wont load if this is ticked

just came up to edit my post above, but yea it seems that was the problem, soon as clicked that off the dlink util popped up, and it seemed to work, just gotta see if it stays stable now.

i am only using WEP as an encryption (64bit HEX i think) is that ok? and also i have set it to channel 10 is that ok or should i put ti back to what the book recommends i think channel 6 or 11?

cheers for the help on this.

Channel is NOT too important, change if you have problems. I would use 128bit not 64, and switch on mac filtering

Edited! I meant channel is NOT too important
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thanks for your help on this matter.

will have a look into getting 128bit encryption working and also mac filtering. it seems to be running ok now....well i aint getting hassled by my dad every 10 mins.


I wouldnt use WEP if I were you, its realitively easily hackable now, you want to be using WPA or WPA2, and SSID broadcast disabled too, preferably with mac filtering too.
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