Here's my train station. Great game. Took me 6 hours to make this though. Massive time sink.
Thats fantastic! (ugh, now it needs a hat shop inside it!
) Will definitely be adding that if you've put it on the workshop.
I think i might need to either download a handful of workshop items and try to replicate them by myself to get a feel for what i need to do, or watch some of the build videos on YT and follow along somewhat, cos i watch these people do nice stuff and always think they should do something slightly different, but give me the game and my mind just goes blank, and i'll be fairly disappointed if i dont get to really utilise the tools this game has and just plop things down like its RCTW or something generic.
I experimented a little yesterday, because wooden coasters are what it's all about and finally we have them! Plus triggers!
I really wanted to make a runaway mine train coaster with a dark ride section at the start but the underground building got me very frustrated.
Whats the best way to achieve this? Can you build the ride then enclose it with the terrain? But then how do you build all the scenery and triggers without them being moved when you cover it, or what if you want to adjust it?
As mentioned already, dig the area out, possibly even building the track and then terraform for it, place all the props in, and then carefully bring the earth over the top of it. I know there were settings which influence how the terraforming works, so it doesnt build over props, and so it does, essentially clipping through. However i couldnt make sense of it in the alpha test and dont know if thats changed or i was doing something wrong.
Basically, dig it out and then carefully put a roof on top. Im not sure if the first person view (i think thats its name) allows you to ghost through the ground and into the space to tweak things, but i can imagine its a bit fiddly.
I downloaded a coaster from the workshop, Batman it was entitled, but I can actually use it, when I go to place it, it just doesn't seem to appear, its like its obstructed but its not.
Another of the games built in coaster did the same. I can't work it out.
Still game is really good fun. Enjoying it. No go karts though, that is a shame. All parks has go karts now.
From what i understand, theres is/was an issue with ride blueprints which go below the surface, because they dont automatically dig out the space, so terrain is basically blocking it. Its the same placing some of the pre-built rides, if it clips the landscape it wont let it place, and if that blueprint is designed to go below, it needs to go on land which allows it to go down too.
If thats not the issue, which may well be the case, it could be issues with older version content. Try checking the workshop page, see if others are saying something and maybe a way to work around it?