Plants vs Zombies wont launch on Steam

10 Apr 2012
An unexpected error has occured! Pressing 'Send Report will send us helpful debugging information that may help us resolve this issue in the future.

You can also contact us directly at [email protected].

Exception: Access Violation (code 0xc0000005) at address 005F8E90 in thread 1A50
Module: popcapgame1.exe
Logical Address: 0001:001F7E90

005F8E90 0019E284 0001:001F7E90 popcapgame1.exe
005F81FF 0019ECCC 0001:001F71FF popcapgame1.exe
005F6F6A 0019ECD8 0001:001F5F6A popcapgame1.exe
600125AF 0019ED74 0001:000115AF CSERHelper.dll
77CABF55 0019EE18 0001:000AAF55 ntdll.dll
77C78DE6 0019EE48 0001:00077DE6 ntdll.dll
77C8B644 0019EF10 0001:0008A644 ntdll.dll
77C78E9F 0019F3F8 0001:00077E9F ntdll.dll
697A5478 0019F410 0001:00064478 gameoverlayrenderer.dll
005663E6 0019F6E8 0001:001653E6 popcapgame1.exe
005D499C 0019F72C 0001:001D399C popcapgame1.exe
005D844D 0019F9C4 0001:001D744D popcapgame1.exe
773C84F3 0019F9F0 0001:000374F3 USER32.dll
773A6C40 0019FA98 0001:00015C40 USER32.dll
773BDD08 0019FAD4 0001:0002CD08 USER32.dll
70F1B0AC 0019FB14 0001:0003A0AC ddraw.dll
773C84F3 0019FB40 0001:000374F3 USER32.dll
773A6C40 0019FBE8 0001:00015C40 USER32.dll
773A6820 0019FC48 0001:00015820 USER32.dll
773AD169 0019FC88 0001:0001C169 USER32.dll
77C78E76 0019FD18 0001:00077E76 ntdll.dll
773C6F30 0019FD20 0001:00035F30 USER32.dll
697B7EC0 0019FD30 0001:00076EC0 gameoverlayrenderer.dll
005DD30C 0019FD60 0001:001DC30C popcapgame1.exe
005DD42D 0019FD74 0001:001DC42D popcapgame1.exe
005DD25D 0019FD80 0001:001DC25D popcapgame1.exe
005DD69F 0019FEA8 0001:001DC69F popcapgame1.exe

EAX:00000000 EBX:00000001 ECX:00000000 EDX:00000000 ESI:0019ED98 EDI:00000000
EIP:005F8E90 ESP:0019E244 EBP:0019E284
CS:0023 SS:002B DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B

Windows Ver: NT 6.1 Build 7600
DDraw Ver: 10.0.10586.0
DSound Ver: 10.0.10586.0

Product: PlantsVsZombies
Time Loaded: 00:00:01
Fullscreen: Yes
Primary ThreadId: 1A50
Times Played: 0
Build Num: 0
Build Date:

Just wondering if someone else has had this issue and knows of a quick fix, I tried Google and found nothing and Steam support will take a year to get back to me if I open a ticket and at that point my sudden craving will be gone. :cool:


EDIT: I've tried running it in compatibility with Win8/7/XP and nothing works, throws this error up immediately after launching still.
Sorry, can't help. I have Plants vs Zombies on Origin not Steam.

However, if you have an android phone or tablet then why not download it to your device and get your fix that way? There is a free version, but the full version is only 79p and if you use Google Opinion Rewards then it really costs nothing.
Forgot it was EA so I'd have it on Origin too, cheers mate. Don't play mobile games personally unless I'm ridiculously bored when out, if I'm home the small screen just bugs me. :cool:
I have Plants vs Zombies GOTY edition on Steam.

No problems running it on Win 7 64-bit.

Perhaps part of the install has become corrupted. Have you tried deleting the game and reinstalling? Right click it in your Steam library and chose Delete Local Content. You should be given the option to retain any save game data and just delete the install files.
Ive got it on steam also with modified resolution running fine, the only time you'll need origin is if your playing garden warfare.

For vanilla pvz you just need steam.

Have you tried verifying the game in property's that some times fixes errors
Nah not managed to get it working and I've tried validating files and created custom registry entries for it. Apparently forcing it to launch windowed fixes it but not managed to get it to do that yet even through the registry.
Okay I got it to work finally. Open Regedit and find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SteamPopCap\PlantsVsZombies

Now right click the list of registry entries and create a D-WORD (32 bit value) and call it ScreenMode and make sure it's set to 0.
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