Polishing swingarm

22 May 2004
Hi guys

Have got a 1200 aluminumswingarm for my 600 bandit. What way would i go about polishing this without spending too much money anyone any experience of polishing aluminum. What tools are needed? Any help would be great
You'll need to start with wire wool to rub off the oxide layer then get in there with some aggressive metal polish. I found a polishing wheel in a drill did the bulk of the donkey work on some wheels I did, then I just had to go over it by hand to finish it off. I used Autosol metal polish which is in most spares shops and is about a fiver a tube.
alloy will be laquered so rub down with wire wool or very fine wet and dry .
Get a drill with polishing mop and as mentioned a tube or 2 of autosol . work the large areas with the mop and do the nooks and crannys by hand ..

if you spend time on it the finish will be like glass but dont expect it to last unless you keep ontop of it

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