It sounds simple enough, but it could be an utter nightmare in practice. Who decides what legislation only has an effect on England, with no knock-on effects on devolved regions? What checks are in place to ensure the rule isn't abused in order to pass bills that simply don't have enough support? What happens if a government doesn't have a majority in England? Could an opposition that does hold a majority in England pass legislation that interferes with UK-wide legislation passed by the government?
It makes more sense to give England its own devolved parliament(s), keeping the Westminster government separate. With every region of the UK represented by devolved parliaments, Westminster could be downsized, and would have a much clearer and more balanced role as the UK government. At the moment the Scots/Welsh/Irish resent Westminster as they see it as English dominated, and the English resent the input the Scots/Welsh/Irish have on matters that barely affect them.