Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

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  • Labour

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  • UKIP

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I agree however Brexit is for life, a Tory government is "only" up to 5 years.

Schools and the NHS are already in ruins and have been for years. Increased middle management which costs a fortune in salary and pension and breeds power crazy pseudo-nazi's which have nothing but contempt of frontline staff. (but keeps the unions happy - sort of)

Labour or the Lib Dems have no chance of pulling the billions out of thin air that are required to repair our public services. The Tory answer isn't ideal but it's more credible than the others.

lol if they win this election it wont be "just 5 years"
Majority of the remain campaign was all spot on so far.

OK if you believe that ;).

- there was some nonsense about WW3
- there would be an emergency budget to raise everyones taxes that didnt happen
- stuff about an immediate recession and job losses
- a mass exodus of companies

they are the main ones I remember

I'm pretty open minded to see rubbish from both sides and call it and know that things are uncertain until some sort of deal is thrashed out. If the deal is rubbish then some of these things may come to pass but they havent happened yet

Do you want to elaborate what the majority was that has been spot on?
This is a party that has slashed taxes for the rich but taken more and more from those of us who have the least and in doing so have trippled the national debt.

Do you have any real world examples of how they have done this? I do recall them dropping tax on the top bracket by 5% I believe. But I also thought that the tax free threshold had been increased a fair bit over the last few years which benefits lower earners too? I'm not saying they do or don't do this, it's just something you see thrown around a lot against the Tories so I'd be interested in some topics for further reading.

For the overall discussion I have absolutely no idea who I will be voting for yet, I am going to have to do some research and use it tactfully I guess.
OK if you believe that ;).

- there was some nonsense about WW3
- there would be an emergency budget to raise everyones taxes that didnt happen
- stuff about an immediate recession and job losses
- a mass exodus of companies

they are the main ones I remember

I'm pretty open minded to see rubbish from both sides and call it and know that things are uncertain until some sort of deal is thrashed out. If the deal is rubbish then some of these things may come to pass but they havent happened yet

Do you want to elaborate what the majority was that has been spot on?

-WW3 was what the lying papers like the DM and Express said. Cameron never said these words unless you can prove it otherwise?
- Emergency budget not needed as A50 not invoked day after election. #
- Economy has taken a down turn and almost every economic figure is exactly as the treasury report predicted. You know, the one called Project fear and all that and called lies.- They are starting, bit by bit companies are moving jobs and headquarters abroad. Nobody said it was going to happen on day 1.

So overall the remain side got it pretty right so far unlike the leave side. I am sure some of the things you remember are lies put out bu the Leave side/media "claiming" thats what the remain side is saying.
Sadly the debt was always going to rise under a government of any colour.

Labour left office with a deficit of £170M a year. An amount adding to the debt of any govenment. This has slowly decreased over the last 7 years or so and will break even at some point in the future.

Whilst factually its nice and easy to scream this gov has tripled the debt - they have, but they almost had no choice as they were bleeding money at a huge rate the day they sat down. In fact had Labour pushed their policy of borrowing more money the debt would be in an even worse position with out the reduction in the deficit (but lets not mention that)
Theres no serious point in lowering the deficit, not in our position. As we are so horridly reliant on an industry based on spurious products, we will always feel it harder than most countries. A nation
that has no choice but to destroy its social structure every 10 years because it's impossible to raise a surplus, is not worth it unless you happen to be well off.

The debt wont be going down, ever.
Sadly the debt was always going to rise under a government of any colour.

Labour left office with a deficit of £170M a year. An amount adding to the debt of any govenment. This has slowly decreased over the last 7 years or so and will break even at some point in the future.

Whilst factually its nice and easy to scream this gov has tripled the debt - they have, but they almost had no choice as they were bleeding money at a huge rate the day they sat down. In fact had Labour pushed their policy of borrowing more money the debt would be in an even worse position with out the reduction in the deficit (but lets not mention that)
except they're historically worse economically


-WW3 was what the lying papers like the DM and Express said. Cameron never said these words unless you can prove it otherwise?
- Emergency budget not needed as A50 not invoked day after election. #
- Economy has taken a down turn and almost every economic figure is exactly as the treasury report predicted. You know, the one called Project fear and all that and called lies.- They are starting, bit by bit companies are moving jobs and headquarters abroad. Nobody said it was going to happen on day 1.

So overall the remain side got it pretty right so far unlike the leave side. I am sure some of the things you remember are lies put out bu the Leave side/media "claiming" thats what the remain side is saying.

DC didnt say the words WW3 but hinted that the risk of war because of Brexit

"Emergency budget not needed as A50 not invoked day after election" - ah thats the excuse - you believe this? Regardless it was a threat that never appeared

Economy has taken a down turn and almost every economic figure is exactly as the treasury report predicted - really? i though it said there would be an immediate recession and huge job losses - to back up that theory the numbers would have had to be bad and neither of those have happened. The rest was predicting the economy 15 years out (and we arent there yet to prove it otherwise)

Dont get me wrong the £ has tanked but blindly rowing out the I'm right your'e wrong argument is pretty tiresome. There have been effects from the Brexit vote and am happy to agree that but there is a black/white view on here that is fairly short sighted
DC didnt say the words WW3 but hinted that the risk of war because of Brexit

"Emergency budget not needed as A50 not invoked day after election" - ah thats the excuse - you believe this? Regardless it was a threat that never appeared

Economy has taken a down turn and almost every economic figure is exactly as the treasury report predicted - really? i though it said there would be an immediate recession and huge job losses - to back up that theory the numbers would have had to be bad and neither of those have happened. The rest was predicting the economy 15 years out (and we arent there yet to prove it otherwise)

Dont get me wrong the £ has tanked but blindly rowing out the I'm right your'e wrong argument is pretty tiresome. There have been effects from the Brexit vote and am happy to agree that but there is a black/white view on here that is fairly short sighted
so all-in-all it is a bit bad and may very well go the way the remainers said it would but that's all moot because we've yet to **** ourselves? well i don't know about you but i certainly feel much better

All I am seeing locally is disgust with the tories what with our local MP being a douchebag and funding to schools being cut, yet I still bet they walk it in the election.

I have no idea what the general public are thinking.

This woman is horrendous. Listen to all those tories sneering and being rude when public questions are asked by corbyn. Bunch of rich idiots which no comprehension of the working class or disabled.

I was disgusted yeterday whilst watching PMQ's, these people act like a group of school kids when the teacher is out the room. And these baboons run our contry, no wonder it's in the state it is.
All I am seeing locally is disgust with the tories what with our local MP being a douchebag and funding to schools being cut, yet I still bet they walk it in the election.

I have no idea what the general public are thinking.

I was disgusted yeterday whilst watching PMQ's, these people act like a group of school kids when the teacher is out the room. And these baboons run our contry, no wonder it's in the state it is.

They aren't.
May says that the government will deliver a better Brexit deal if the Tories have a bigger majority. I can see M. Barnier being really impressed with that boast:

M. Barnier: "Now, regarding the €60 billion you owe us..."
David "knuckleduster" Davis: "Look here, froggie, are you aware that we have a 200 seat majority now? We kicked arse!"
M. Barnier: "Err, not sure you heard me. When will you pay us the €60 billion? We cannot proceed with the exit negotiations until this payment is made."

Tories you will own this fiasco and when the British people finally wake up to the duplicity and recklessness of the Brexit con trick you will be out of power for at least a decade.
They aren't.

I'm really starting to believe they aren't!! And I don't know why they can't see it.

May says that the government will deliver a better Brexit deal if the Tories have a bigger majority. I can see M. Barnier being really impressed with that boast:

M. Barnier: "Now, regarding the €60 billion you owe us..."
David "knuckleduster" Davis: "Look here, froggie, are you aware that we have a 200 seat majority now? We kicked arse!"
M. Barnier: "Err, not sure you heard me. When will you pay us the €60 billion? We cannot proceed with the exit negotiations until this payment is made."

Tories you will own this fiasco and when the British people finally wake up to the duplicity and recklessness of the Brexit con trick you will be out of power for at least a decade.

That's not going to happen.
For those commenting on disappointment on Brexit strategy from Tories, what exactly were you expecting to date?

Please note, I haven't been following it throughout, but are you expecting a how do guide, with details on proposed positions on requirements, e.g. Single Market access?

If so - why on earth would we want any of that in the full public domain? Is this not all part of the two-way negotiation, not just the EU letting us have a pick n mix bag.
DC didnt say the words WW3 but hinted that the risk of war because of Brexit

"Emergency budget not needed as A50 not invoked day after election" - ah thats the excuse - you believe this? Regardless it was a threat that never appeared

Economy has taken a down turn and almost every economic figure is exactly as the treasury report predicted - really? i though it said there would be an immediate recession and huge job losses - to back up that theory the numbers would have had to be bad and neither of those have happened. The rest was predicting the economy 15 years out (and we arent there yet to prove it otherwise)

Dont get me wrong the £ has tanked but blindly rowing out the I'm right your'e wrong argument is pretty tiresome. There have been effects from the Brexit vote and am happy to agree that but there is a black/white view on here that is fairly short sighted

Again you links on the WW3 thing proves he never said it and it was Boris who made it out he was claiming WW3 would start

ven as Cameron was delivering his speech, the foreign secretary, Philip Hammond, was clarifying the prime minister’s comments, saying he was not suggesting that UK withdrawal would lead to wars between western countries but that the EU without the UK would be less effective.

But if the prime minister was not suggesting Brexit would result in German tanks rolling across the French border – as Boris Johnson caricatured it in a speech that followed Cameron’s

So again you "beleive" that the remain side "claimed" this when it was really just another lie by the leave side.

If we don't invoke A50 why would you need a budget? So yes I believe this.

Did you actually read the Treasury predictions of what would happen if we voted leave? Or gain just believe the Leave side "claiming" it says doom and gloom and disaster?

After two years, GDP would be around 3.6% lower in the shock scenario compared with a vote to remain. In this scenario, the analysis shows that the fall in the value of the pound would be around 12%, and unemployment would increase by around 500,000, with all regions experiencing a rise in the number of people out of work. The exchange-rate-driven increase in the price of imports would lead to a material increase in prices, with the CPI inflation rate higher by 2.3 percentage points after a year. Average real wages would fall by -2.8% and public sector borrowing would increase by £24 billion

All looks pretty spot on to me so far although I will admit we arent two years after invoking A50 yet so it might be wrong.

In fact the thing the Treasury paper got the most wrong was the exchange rate as they never forecast it to tank as badly as it has.

So yes, based on the above facts along with the big player of the leave campaign saying on record they never would have won if they hadn't had lied I will stick with the claim that overall the remain side was pretty truthful and the leave side was far from it. My issue with the remain campaign is that the just concentrated on the negatives of leaving rather than selling the positives of staying.
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