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Poll: Poll: Will you be buying a 2080Ti/2080/2070?

Which card will you be buying?

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What alternative do we have? This is extremely cheap compared to the alternative RT cards. For those of use that use RT this new card not only saves a large amount of money, it will save a massive amount of time as well. Why are we idiots for saving money and saving time?

If it were only a few people who play with iRay as a hobby who felt compelled to purchase this card then you might have a point. The vast majority of buyers probably first heard of ray tracing yesterday. They're buying because they want the latest new thing, not because it'll save them time on render convergence.
If it were only a few people who play with iRay as a hobby who felt compelled to purchase this card then you might have a point. The vast majority of buyers probably first heard of ray tracing yesterday. They're buying because they want the latest new thing, not because it'll save them time on render convergence.
True some people will buy it just because its the latest thing. Just as long as people realise there card isn't overpriced or a waste of money for everyone. Not everyone is an idiot for buying one.
There is absolutely no need for nvidia to increase prices so much.

I remember when top of the line cards cost £400 and dual-GPU cards were £600. In fact, every generation of card from 480 to 980 cost around the same price (£420) until the 1080, when things went lolcrazy. It doesn't matter if you blame the miners for increasing demand but we are talking TRIPLE the cost for a card.

Personally speaking, I have always had overclocked extreme edition CPUs, custom liquid SLI loops and way too much RAM for what I needed, so I always knew/expect the price of performance to be higher than an off-the-shelf systems but getting gouged by manufacturers doesn't sit right with me. Being an enthusiast shouldn't mean you're willing to bend over when the same performance could have been had for near 1/3 of the price not so long ago.
2080ti 11gb is around £1150 mark

2080 8gb is around the £700 mark

2070 8gb is around £550 mark

They 2080ti should have have more than 11gb, as its the same as the memory of the 1080ti

so im thinking the 1080ti will still be more powerful than the 2070 yes?? considering the 1080ti has better specs than the 2070

Also the 2080ti is the same cost as a titan, (wtf) but how much faster are we talking about compared to the 1080ti

Also with the 2080 be faster than the 1080ti??
It's difficult to compare like for like to be honest. The 2*** series are more forward facing. Games in the future that utilise the new cores will not only look better but also perform better. Playing current games or older games, the new GPU's are better but are not going to take a great leap forward. Personally though, if I was upgrade from an older generatin (older than the 10 series) I'd go for a 2070, 2080 or2080 Ti over spending similar money on new last gen GPU. 2070 vs 1080 Ti is a more difficult one, and the 2070 is a bit cheaper than the 1080 Ti. I'd definitely go 2080 over 1080Ti however.
Seeing as most of the gaming population apparently still ONLY game at 1080p a 2080ti will be lost on them when the upper half of the 10 series can run 1080p upto 144Hz. That isn't to say that 1080p gamers are not enthusiasts with respect to PC gaming.

Enthusiasts with WQHD monitors, ultrawide and above resolutions with high refresh rates will be those that benefit from these latest high end cards.

The price is eye watering yes if you are coming from 2 or more generations ago but for those 'enthusiasts' that upgrade within each series, what you could get for a 2nd hand 1080ti in the 2nd hand markets (I'm talking auction sites) the week before the actual shipping date, many buyers will be unaware that a new card is being released and you can cash in on those NOT in the know. I do this every upgrade. I look at what they have been selling at and put in a buy it now for £50-£100 less than that. It will be gone in minutes or within a few hours. My 1080ti upgrade from a 980ti cost me £380. If I can get £500-£550 for my 1080ti (maybe wishing) then the 2080ti will cost say £600 at the current pre order prices.

My question is do I need it? My 1080ti plays most of my games I'm playing fine at 4k 60hz @ >60fps or greater. I'd like a higher refresh, IPS G-sync monitor so to warrant the 2080ti. And there comes the extra cost for my current setup. Firstly I need to see some benchmarks but with high resolutions the increases in terms of FPS can seem not worth it. Do I get the 2080ti to see the yearly £500 incremental update for my gfx card or wait a year or two and spend £1200 on the foloowing generation. I have gotten into the cycle of upgrading on release each Ti release the past few generations maximising the resale value of my previous card. That in itself is an enthusiasts cycle.

I game most eves, 2 dedicated nights to PUBG with mates I've been gaming with for 20 years and other eves maybe an hour or 2 on single player FPS's so I get my monies worth from my GPUs.

Benchmarks first and an itchy trigger finger on the day of shipping release. Though I am surprised many AIB cards are released this time and not just the founders edition. Makes more sense.
There is absolutely no need for nvidia to increase prices so much.

I remember when top of the line cards cost £400 and dual-GPU cards were £600. In fact, every generation of card from 480 to 980 cost around the same price (£420) until the 1080, when things went lolcrazy. It doesn't matter if you blame the miners for increasing demand but we are talking TRIPLE the cost for a card.

Personally speaking, I have always had overclocked extreme edition CPUs, custom liquid SLI loops and way too much RAM for what I needed, so I always knew/expect the price of performance to be higher than an off-the-shelf systems but getting gouged by manufacturers doesn't sit right with me. Being an enthusiast shouldn't mean you're willing to bend over when the same performance could have been had for near 1/3 of the price not so long ago.

Completely agree with you there ..
Similar money for last gen? You do realise the 2080ti costs twice the price of the 1080ti? In what context is that similar money?
I mean on a cost basis. 2080 is in a similar price range as the 1080 Ti - I'd personally go for the 2080 if it were me, over the 1080 Ti. Features for the future. People are still too focused on the Ti branding IMO. It's like 2080Ti or nothing. I think that may be one of issues here, NV should have broke away from the naming but they know everyone will want a "Ti" :).
2080 TI is similar priced to TXP - so I'd go wtht he 2080 Ti there.

Ti should be an improved GPU that comes along later, not a release day GPU. :D. Makes me think it's a bit of marketing to attract more to the pricier card :). NV knows many wait for the Ti to be released and buy that not the TX, so this time it's the day 1 card, but guess what? It's priced like a TX. NV could have called them 2070, 2080, 2090 or something
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On the other hand. Nvidia does have a duty to the people important to them.

Obviously not a bunch of gamers.

The shareholders.

If there is no competition then questions will be raised as to why CEO Jensen is not exploiting the captive market they have for highest end graphics cards.

Nvidia is obliged in the interests of profit to bend over everyone that has no alternative. They cannot do this in low and midrange because AMD is there but they have the top end and therefore top end pricing all to themselves.
Well it's a good thing that people who don't want to buy RTX cards don't have to, and people that do, can do it. Win-win for all.

That's not true is it. A lot of people do want to buy RTX cards but can't afford them. The reason they can't afford them is nothing to do with them, it's more the lack of competition in the sector allows one manufacturer to ramp prices up the kazoo.
There is absolutely no need for nvidia to increase prices so much.

I remember when top of the line cards cost £400 and dual-GPU cards were £600. In fact, every generation of card from 480 to 980 cost around the same price (£420) until the 1080, when things went lolcrazy. It doesn't matter if you blame the miners for increasing demand but we are talking TRIPLE the cost for a card.

Personally speaking, I have always had overclocked extreme edition CPUs, custom liquid SLI loops and way too much RAM for what I needed, so I always knew/expect the price of performance to be higher than an off-the-shelf systems but getting gouged by manufacturers doesn't sit right with me. Being an enthusiast shouldn't mean you're willing to bend over when the same performance could have been had for near 1/3 of the price not so long ago.

Yet on the other discussion there are few justifying that is % perf increase over the previous generation so the price must be reflected by same raise.
When pointed them that the 8800GTX inflation adjusted should cost today £1000 and given their saying the GTX1080Ti should cost £28,000 (VAT is higher today than 10y ago) I was called crazy. Yet is simple maths because the perf difference between 8800GTX and GTX1080Ti is ~2605%.....
There is absolutely no need for nvidia to increase prices so much.

I remember when top of the line cards cost £400 and dual-GPU cards were £600. In fact, every generation of card from 480 to 980 cost around the same price (£420) until the 1080, when things went lolcrazy. It doesn't matter if you blame the miners for increasing demand but we are talking TRIPLE the cost for a card.

Personally speaking, I have always had overclocked extreme edition CPUs, custom liquid SLI loops and way too much RAM for what I needed, so I always knew/expect the price of performance to be higher than an off-the-shelf systems but getting gouged by manufacturers doesn't sit right with me. Being an enthusiast shouldn't mean you're willing to bend over when the same performance could have been had for near 1/3 of the price not so long ago.

Stop your moaning and get one bought :p
I bought an MSI 980ti Gaming X for £599 new. In just 2 generations its gone from that to £1500 for an equiviantly placed card! I just can't understand why anybody is ok with these prices
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