Portal - Worth a buy?

18 Nov 2008
Pretty much as the topic suggest's really, is it a good game? Ive seen Poertal 2 on Steam is coming out soon and looks awesome :)

PS - Only just discovered Half Life 2 at the weekend and loved that!!!
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Just get it mate. It's Brilliant
Only played it myself for the first time about a month ago, can't believe i didn't play it sooner. It's very short though
A lot of people have pre-ordered Portal 2, and that comes with a free copy of Portal 1. That means a lot of people have a spare copy of Portal 1. Ask nicely, and someone might send you theirs. I'd offer mine, but I already sent it.
Ok thanks guys! Portal 2 does look awesome so i'll probably pre order that on payday next week.

If anyone would be kind enough to gift me a copy of Portal that would be superb, i'll also pass on my copy that i will get when i pre order.
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