Post graduate Placements, how soon after your Degree?

4 Mar 2010
Was just wondering when most of you start Post graduate jobs after you have finished your degrees?

I had thought of leaving it until after graduation but recently I had an interview for a job and although they liked me and thought I was capable of the job they didn't want to hire me due to stating I was unable to start until after my graduation in September.
I have contacted them again, and stated I could start after my exams(mid june) but would not recieve the results of my degree until after August.

What about the rest of you?
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Why would it be a placement if you've finished? A placement is whilst you are studying not post studying?

Do you mean graduate jobs?
I'm currently interviewing for graduate engineering jobs and all the places I've been are quite flexible with start dates. My graduation date isn't really an issue however, as it's in July.
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It took me about two years between graduating and getting a graduate job but I was working a couple of weeks after finishing my final exams - it just took a while to work out what I wanted to do/get through the applications process.
Getting on graduate scheme with a big company is hard. Getting job with involves the use of your degree is quite reasonable to achieve. Most companies I've know tend to be quite flexible with time when your in the process of graduating.
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About 4 weeks. In retrospect was a mistake -- should have been trekking the mountains in Peru or lying on a beach in Vietnam. Ho hum.

I'm unemployed - I really want a job
I'm employed - I really want some time off
I'm single - I really want a girl
I'm with a girl - I really want the single life a bit

etc. etc. :/
I'm employed - I really want some time off => you're in the wrong job
I'm with a girl - I really want the single life a bit => you're in the wrong girl

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