Post your BBQ

15 Dec 2002
Well with the England game about to kick off, got a BBQ on the way with the weather we got.

Only a student affair so nothing massively impressive but we got the works; chicken legs, fresh lamb chops, beef burgers and pork sausages. Washed down with a biiiiig chilled 2.5 litre bottle of Strongbow Cider each, Yummy :D

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Matblack said:
Thats a lot of meat to cook on one little BBQ, I hope that chicken is full defrosted :)


Meh lol. YOu don't even need to cook it, just warm it up, it'll be lovely.
Get it just right and it'll be bloody in the middle but black and crusty on the outside. Smother in sauce to hide the "flavour".
CaneyJ said:
Looks okay to me :confused:

Looks good to me too :) Just make sure that it is cooked through before eating the chicken is all. Get a knife in down to the bone and make sure it isn't still pink.
Enjoy :)
Spawn said:
Waht you need is one of these bad boys...

Gas BBQ? Might as well use a gas oven then :p
It has to be coals, it has to be burnt and it has to be dangerous to eat or it is no fun at all :p
VIRII said:
Gas BBQ? Might as well use a gas oven then :p
It has to be coals, it has to be burnt and it has to be dangerous to eat or it is no fun at all :p

Beach BBQ's are best :) You just have to be careful not to coat everything in sand :D
I'm sorry, but nothing beats two old oven shelves, in self-built brick BBQ. :cool:

Squirt on some meths, chuck a match on the beast from 10 paces distance, and voila! :D
Gas BBQ = camping stove.

CaneyJ's effort = camping BBQ.

I had exactly the same when I was huddled under a tree in the Lakes a fortnight ago - trying to stoke the fire under Tesco fined herbed sausages.

Brick build for the win, anything else is foreplay...
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