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It was L to R - a 328, 360 and 348. He'd only just sold a 458 2hr's before we arrived which is a massive shame as it's the only "modern" Ferrari that I'd sell my family into slavery for!
Brabus m8s.


Mercedes E320 Cdi Elegance......
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That's almost as good as the guy with the e46 saloon i was behind on Monday who had "335" in dodgy halfrauds stick on numbers where the real badging should have been.

Odd choice seeing as it had the 6 cylinder exhaust so was probably running a half reasonable engine anyway
^ That's some parking :D double yellow on a junction? Haha :p
A real Brabus?

It may just have had the Brabus kit, a quick Google reveals a performance kit which I guess is just a remap with Brabus body kit for the v6 diesel engine (!).

Still, from a distance you'd be fooled :p
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