Post your favourite spice with recipe

22 Jul 2006
Well not sure if there has been a thread on this (search button doesn't seem to link at work), but I know there is a few foodies on here and I for one like to experiment with different spices.

My favourite at the moment is 'Berbere' and originates from Eritrea, I was given a massive bag by a work collegue from the country and I am hooked on using it!

Recipe here:
Harrisa paste.

Harrisa, apricot and lamb stew
Harrisa paste, one jar (found by the spices/herbs, Salisbury's deff sell it)
Lamb neck or beef braising steak.
1 bag of finely chopped dried apricots.
1 can chopped tomatoes
1 onion
1 pint beef or lamb stock
Cous Cous
1 Stock cubes
Optional extra chilli.

1) dice the lamb into inch cubes, mix the entire jar of Harrisa paste and leave to marinade for at least 30mins. Over night if possible.
2) peel and dice the onion add to a frying pan and fry until translucent
3) add the lamb to the onions and fry for two mins.
4) Take the lamb and onion and place in and oven proof dish (which needs a lid or foil)
5) add the tomatoes, stock, apricots
6) place in an oven at 160, for at least 2 hours. Uncover for the last 30mins. (Longer the better - covered)
7) when you want to serve, boil some water in a kettle.
8) in a bowl add the cous cous and crumble in a stock cube.
9) pour over the water freshly boiled for the kettle, stir and cover, leave for 5mins. its one part cous cous to 2 parts water
10) serve
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