Personally yes, I upped Red saturation to around 80% and Green to a bit lower, 65% or thereabouts. I found the screen colour to be be too "cold" for my liking, once I upped the Red especially it felt a lot warmer.
I set Black level to 0 (the deepest black possible) as I like Blacks to be Black if theres any hint of light coming from what should be a perfectly black surface its too washed out/lacking contrast for me. And supersharp has been turned On, can't bear any blurry/smeariness. If I can see the jaggies on a desktop icon thats perfect to me. Don't hide the truth I want to see it warts 'n' all.
I was much happier once I found out how to adjust to suit, awkward OSD controls not withstanding. All this is purely personal preference of course.