Pre Pay Gas and Electric switch.

15 Jul 2007
South West

Im thinking of getting a pre/paid meter with British Gas.

Im i right in thinking that having a meter is slightly more expensive compared to a standard tariff Direct Debit,cant seem to find any info on the net comparing the two?
yes it's more expensive. You'd be a lot better off staying on a credit meter.

If you do need to change to a prepay meter go with Ebico - thwey are the cheapest for prepay meters hands down.
Spoke to BG on the phone and the Electric tariff is slightly cheaper in my area on a meter:confused:

Gas is very slightly more expensive but nothing drastic.

I will obviously lose the Direct Debit Discounts though.

Have to pay £100 to clear the account and then i will get it installed.

Not everyones cup of tea,but it will be more manageable for us i hope.
With British Gas they told me they do an option where you plug your meter reading in to your account online each month and you just get charged for what you use.

Of course if you just want to budget and use £x a month then what happens when it runs out? You'll be paying more per unit I would think.

I don't think that paying up front for utilities is the best way of managing their cost.
If you want to save money, use energy saving lamps and turn them off when you leave a room, turn all appliances off at the wall Inc computers and sky boxes etc... Only boil the water you need in a kettle, only turn an immersion heater on for as long as needed...

Also if you have gas central heating, turn off the rads in the rooms you don't use often or don't spend much time in and turn your thermostat down by a few degrees.

Simples ;)
Pre paid meters are a royal pain in the butt

Better off turning appliances off when you're not in etc and setting up monthly direct debits. You can give them up to date meter readings every month and they will adjust the direct debit ammount based on your usage
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