Prepare to go awwwww (Cute warning)

1 Sep 2005
Scottish Highlands
Went to Donna Nook yesterday (As quite a few people have been). Got up very early to get there in time for good light. We were very lucky with the weather with clear skies all day, and thorougly enjoyed the day. So here are a few seal shots (Prepare to go awww....)








Nice work dude, glad you had more luck than me!

You must have been there the same time as a guy off my course.. dont suppose you bumped into a short guy in his twenties wearing a camo jacket and using a D200?
Cheers guys.

The light is perfect - great photos.

Canon 300mm F4 by the looks.

On a Nikon? Me thinks not. Its a Sigma 300mm f2.8. ;) I started off with the 2X TC giving me 600mm f5.6, but after a handfull of shots I took it off as I was finding it harder staying far enough away for 600mm then getting close enough for 300mm. At one point I started cursing the minimum focusing of the lens as I was withing about 3ft.
i'm disappointed MK, why did you not tell me you were going, i would have come, that's the whole reason i booked this weekend off work :(

Just as well we had a good day out in the peeing rain in Whitby today :D
i'm disappointed MK, why did you not tell me you were going, i would have come, that's the whole reason i booked this weekend off work :(

Sorry dude. It was a last minute thing and managed to get a lift off someone in the local photography club. Would love to go again in the future though. Other places on my list are Farne Islands and Skomer. Those will probably be in May time next year though. :)
pfff, I looked at the first few and was like "omg these really arent making me go awwww" then I saw the last two and cursed my snap judgment.

I'm completely with you there. The first few are easy to resist, lulling you into a false sense of macho security. Then the sucker punches arrive... I feel dirty and used. :-)

The first shot's a particularly nice shot technically though. The lighting is excellent.

Andrew McP
Number 6 is quality dude!

I really wish I had the equipment and the ability to get to places like this :o

Im sure you do have the equipment to take shots like this. You have a DSLR and telephoto lens don't you? And you could always use public transport to get there.

4,6 and 7 are great photo's. What's that seal doing in number 5 though?

He's suckling milk. :) The milk was really thick and sticky, obviously containing loads of fat as they have to fatten up enough to survive on their own after 2 weeks I think it was.

Nice shots. Amazing aren't they. The pups actually say 'mum' - don't know if you noticed.


Hehe, yeah I noticed that. Don't think you can get much cuter creatures.
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